What follows is the personal log of Cogbronze (name redacted) Junior Bureaucrat (Colonial Grade) of the Clockwork Empires, Cog Save the Queen! Day 1 - It was with greate fanfare and excitement and no small trepidation that we embarked upon the mighty I.A.S. Windsborrough and departed the capital bound for New Antipodea. Though many passengers were unaccustomed to the rigors of air travel I was assured by Captain Winslow P. Horbleburn, himself a man of excellent constitution, that they would rapidly adapt to the thin atmosphere and constant turbulence; indeed, the occasional bout of explosive vomiting is a small price to pay for the miracle of flight. While not leaning over the side of the vessel or praying to Cog for speedy delivery from this deathtrap, I took the opportunity to peruse the passenger manifest, as I had not appraised myself of the fellows under my command nor taken the time to speak with any of them at any length as the majority seemed ill-disposed. I wonder why? Grover Wardle - an odd fellow with an impressive moustache and ridiculous haircut. I recall him lodging complaints with the chef regarding the quality of the fare on the airship. He seemed the timid sort, hardly the one to join such a venture, but surely the ministry had some reason to include him. He will make a suitable scapegoat should the mission go awry, at least. Roster Ironwalkercotter - really now, with a name like that is it any wonder he's left for colonies? Apparently, the man fancies himself a bit of a scholar, writer, and poet. He wrote a little penny-dreadful a year back. Quite a horrid book. In fact, I seem to recall there being Inquiries regarding beliefs espoused by the characters in the book. Surely just a misunderstanding? Hubert Wilhewer - a fairly decent chap by all accounts. Formerly of the ministry of justice, requested reassignment to the colonies after some incident in the north. Though organized, I doubt his zeal for paperwork will come much in handy on the frontier. Percy Seawidow - this fellow was nearly forcibly ejected from the I.A.S. Windsborrough after attempting to effect repairs on a damaged pressure gauge. I took the captain aside and explained that, although many of those aboard are of the, er, disposable variety, we will need every hand upon our arrival. Seems the greedy sort, too, but such individuals are easily manipulated. Ada Bronzewhistle - a thoroughly disrespectable woman who somehow clawed her way out of Holloway Prison into a position in the ministry of justice, having served a 10 year prison sentence for theft. Claims to have been redeemed through the glory of Cog, though there have been several complaints of missing property among her peers in the ministry. Definitely one to keep an eye on. Albertine Goldenchainwicke - at last, one seemingly competent functionary. Apart from a predilection for food and drink slightly above her station her former superiors have had nothing but praise for this woman. In other words, a threat to my position. Definitely one to keep an eye on. Sgt. Ruddigore Brazensmithhooke of Her Majesty's 55th Light Infrantry - The colonial ministry has seen fit to send a small contingent of soldiers to protect and assist in all matters relating to the colony. Don't care much for the man's standoffish attitude, though I did detect a soupcon of excitement in his normally bland demeanor as we left the capital. Hopefully his enthusiasm will be put to good use on the frontier. Cecil Pipecotter - naturalist, explorer, and self-proclaimed jack-of-all-trades, though having read his poetry and sampled his unique take on Spotted Dick during the voyage, I think he should stick with dirt and trees. Hopefully the mustached little tit will have his uses. Day 4 - The cry came from the helm at 5 o'clock in the morning, that land had been sighted and we had arrived the New Worlde! The climate, while slightly sunnier and dryer compared with the pleasant fog and chill of the capital, was most agreeable following three days in the frigid troposphere. Excitement and relief was infectious and word had soon spread to every crewmen and passenger. Here begins the Saga of New Antipodea! Cog Save the Queen! We were with some lack of ceremony deposited at the edge of a small copse of trees. The terrain was, to our distress, quite irregular, though the outcropping of rhyolite would provide suitable raw construction material, Cecil Pipecotter assured me, for crude structures and mechanisms until which time our industrial base were properly established. Following the training and advisement of the colonial ministry I immediately ordered the men to start flattening the ground thereby rendering it suitable for construction. Although we were provided with modest supply of timber and brick they would necessarily be augmented. To this end, the copse was cleared. Early in his initial survey of the local flora Cecil Pipecotter discovered a Curious species of black fungus apparently growing in the shade of the New Antipodean forests. After an taste test, for which several of the men gladly volunteered upon the promise an extra ration of ale and the threat of severe beatings, the fungus proved to be quite edible, if a tad bitter. Mrs. Goldenchainwicke indicated that the fungus would likely be far more palatable if pickled. In addition, a worker - can't recall the chap's name, doesn't matter - discovered patches bushes bearing a most delectable red berry. Cecil informed me that they were likely lingonberries, a common species belonging to the heath family found in New Antipodea. They will provide a delightful supplement to the bread and sausages we've supped upon until now and promise to make a most excellent preserve. It seems the colonial ministry's propaganda regarding the New Worlde is accurate in one regard, at least. Truly, nature's bounty is open to us. Why, farming may not even be necessary! Early on I noticed Mrs. Bronzewhistle and Mr. Ironwalkercotter engaged in a whispered conversation. I distinctly recall a small tome passing between the two of them. The covert nature of their conference concerns me. I asked Sgt. Brazensmithhooke to monitor them carefully for any suspicious behavior warranting further investigation or action on my part. Cults are a growing problem in the capital and I fear there is no escaping them even in the New Worlde. Owing to the rough terrain construction of the carpentry workshop, kitchen, and general quarters was delayed. It was already growing dark by the time the carpenters' shop was erect. As a consequence of this we were forced to sleep in turns upon the hard, sawdust heavy floor of the shop. A most disagreeable experience! Proper sleeping quarters are a must.