Possible to get reduced cooldown on the Piracy abilities (other than Swashbuckling)? Also, why is "Et tu" in the Assassination tree powered by as opposed to like Shiv? (or am I looking at erroneous info?) Another thing - A skill in Piracy that effectively makes Grog heal equivalent to or slightly less than a Potion of Healing, maybe? Would that be feasible? One more thing - a passive bonus for each rank in Piracy sure would be nice. I know it's already been suggested, but...
Plunder giving gems and overriding have already made Piracy useful. (Or at least, the first two levels. Never bother going farther than that).
Swashbuckling (even with the cooldown) is almost good enough to be capstone IMO. I would trade some of the for a decreased cooldown or longer duration, either or.
I personally go into the XML and take 25 points off of swashbuckling and add 5 points of counter to each level - and it feels decent, because you get the same counter in the end, but a much higher effective uptime and incentive to go deep.
that's too powerful. Oh David. I had an idea for doing a new broadside. I'd be happy to draw up the xml and show you in a pm.
I know, and yet it still feels balanced because the rest of the tree sucks enough to make it feel ok. Its probably objectively too strong, but a finesse melee build (i.e. rogue melee) is rough enough that I don't feel too strong with it - haven't beaten the game with it or anything, heh.
I think the first two levels are great. People don't like Mists of the Corsair? I think it's totally excellent - almost on par with Ninja Vanish, but has utility beyond that since it buffs Dodge a huge amount even if you keep attacking. I'm also very fond of the Black Mark - debuff skills are pretty weak in this game, but the Black Mark is actually worth using. Ok, it's not amazing still, but it's worlds better than any other debuff effect we have. Broadside is, I admit, not for everyone. But I love hoarding cannonballs to throw with my Strongest On In The World builds. I get way more use out of it than, say, Five-Finger Discount.