Piracy skill should increase caddishness

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Sade, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. Sade

    Sade Member

    ^^, because:
    • Thematic correctitude: ":caddishness: is the primary attribute of the Pirate"
    • No existing non-mod skills grant :caddishness: boni (apart from lvl 8 Werediggle Curse, and even that's just +1)
    • Piracy is the only non-mod, non-Mage skill that doesn't grant any stat boni
    • The skill is currently somewhat UP (even if it wasn't bugged)
    Jatopian, CheeseToast, Wi§p and 7 others like this.
  2. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    It really should, shouldn't it.
    Wi§p, Psiweapon, kino5 and 2 others like this.
  3. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Indeed! I was surprised myself when it didn't.
  4. Psiweapon

    Psiweapon Member

    I hereby state my agreement to the aforementioned suggestion.
  5. I feel like all the "secondary" primary stats ( :caddishness::savvy::stubborness: ) are rather underwhelming. Stubbornness especially - it gives you teeeeeny tiny amounts of stats that are only noticable when you have greeeeeaaaat big wads of them ( :magic_resist::block: ). Caddishness is relatively decent compared to the other 2, in that it gives you good stats. It gives you such a small amount, though, that you'd be better off gaining 1 point of REAL :crit: than you are gaining one point of Caddylove.
    Wi§p likes this.
  6. blob

    blob Member

    Yeah I also feel like the main stats are pretty useless. :/
  7. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    I disagree about the main stats feeling useless. When you pop a Azure Mob-Bonnet, you can definitely tell a difference in your spell damage output. I personally don't feel haywire is all that great. When spells are popping out 2-3 numbers each cast, can you tell which damage is being increased? I see like 4 numbers when I cast Thaumites, but 2 are always invariably Zero. Without a combat log of sorts, I don't think we will never know (and with all the secondary, tertiary, quartenary, procs built into spells and abilities, it probably wouldn't be pretty anyway).
  8. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Fixed in the patch, but this didn't make it in the change log.
    Sade, kino5, Essence and 1 other person like this.