Please take my money. (Unofficial beg thread)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by keeveek, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. keeveek

    keeveek Member


    I am rather new to Dredmor (around 12 hours of gameplay) and I already want more. Please, create as many freaky / unecessary / huge / shiny / game breaking DLC packs as possible.

    I will gladly pay for them for more diggle godness and will support your company.

    I'd definitely like to see more:
    - skill trees
    - items
    - room types
    - monsters
    - dungeon levels

    I know there are plenty mods avaible, but content directly coming from devs is usually better fit to the setting, etc.

  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    [disclaimer: I don't know what the plans are]
    They have begun work on the next game a few weeks ago, but in the job postings there was a spot of programmer for Dredmor, to continue working on it, so I would expect to see more coming to DoD in the future. Right now they're working on a patch to fix some more bugs.

    Glad you like DoD and welcome! I really do suggest you check out mods though, nearly all of them have made huge efforts to fit in the setting or humoristic style.
  3. keeveek

    keeveek Member

    Thanks for quick reply. I will definitely check the mods when I get tired of vanilla dredmor + diggle gods.

    Still waiting for further content from the devs!
  4. Wow, already checking out mods! That was quick! And welcome to the forums. They're a pretty neat little place.
  5. Samupo

    Samupo Member

    Come on, modders, we have work to do, people requests us.

    PS: I say that even if I haven't finished nor released my first mod xD