
Discussion in 'Modding' started by GreenZanbato, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. GreenZanbato

    GreenZanbato Member

    I'm interested in making a Shapeshifter mod and I was wondering how polymorphs work.

    Can you turn into any monster?
    Is there any way to use spells while polymorphed?
    Can you use the monster you tranformed into's spells?
    Do monsters you transform into keep attributes like flying or only being in water?
    Can you turn into Dredmor or Brax?
    Do you keep your stats when transformed or gain the monster's stats?

    Thanks in advance for the help.:)
  2. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks


    More details when I have more time unless someone else gets there first.
    Kazeto and mining like this.
  3. TherosPherae

    TherosPherae Member

    Essence got it all, but I'd like to throw in that the mod flows a lot more smoothly if you include animations for eating/drinking/wand casting/etc. Of course, most vanilla monsters don't already have that, so you'd have to do a bunch of spriting.
    Essence likes this.
  4. GreenZanbato

    GreenZanbato Member

    Thanks for the help, I would love to add the animations but I'm a terrible artist, I'm not even sure how I'm gonna get skill art for this stuff. Can anyone tell me how you can use spells while polymorphed?
  5. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Look carefully at the code for Curse Of The Werediggle.
  6. GreenZanbato

    GreenZanbato Member

    Ah I see, polymorphedOnly and polymorphTag right?
  7. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Exactly -- you basically make perfectly normal skill levels, and assign them to only work while polymorphed into a specific form. That way you can give the polymorphed form whatever spells you like. :)