Possible future expansion idea

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. If this is in the zork universe as the game portrays with the use of zorkmids then a future dlc could include going far enough down to reach the cubes of foundation that the world is built on, and in zork lore the head of the circle of magic (which could be the hero at that point) is forced to battle thier shadow twin and destroy the cubes of foundation. Of course this brings the age of magic to a close, but Id imagine eventually the game would have to go down to the depths of the planet and this would be a good finale especially if it involves fighting with a powerful shadow version of yourself that may or may not have the same powers as you.
  2. Tycho

    Tycho Member

    Um, it's not in the Zork universe, it just makes a ton of references to many books, movies, TV series, pop culture phenomena, and games - including Zork. NetHack also used the "zorkmid" as its unit of currency. NetHack was full of references to various games and fantasy fiction as well.
  3. I did say if, and it doesnt mean they cant borrow philosophy from it for an expansion as a parody.
  4. Parthon

    Parthon Member

    Knowing DoD, it would be something like:
    You have to travel far enough below the surface to find the meat and cheese cubes of foundation. You find the head of the sphere of magic(it's a head IN a sphere), and must defeat your Meat/Cheese/Tofu Twin to be able to destroy the meat and cheese cubes of foundation. This brings an end to the age of cheese and meat however, and ushers in a new age of Veganism(or Beeganism).
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  5. I dont think its stated waht the cubes of foundation are, so they could indeed be things like that, the tofu block of foundation, the cheese block of foundation, the meat block of foundation, and the mystical ale block of foundation that defies logic by being a liquid cube which holds the world upright.