Does the one inventory slot for military squads mean that they only get one item? Or does it merely mean that they only get one KIND of item (but can take enough of them for each soldier, supplies permitting)? (Personally I would prefer the second option, [or better yet a toggle between the two options])
Well considering that some things are artillery pieces. It sounds more like option one. Although that does raise the question of Steampowered Armour. The question is also. What sort of items can you fit into that piece and what might be applied in other manners. Say that the item slot is for more specialized equipment like say cannons, machine guns, engineer wagons, supply wagons... Still not sure how Steampowered armour fits in there. While other items like saying rifles, grenades, Less Rubbish uniforms (ones that don't fall apart as soon as it begins raining and begin smelling of yak) might be applied through overall applications during training and unit formation. or .. something ?
I think this would imply that the individual parts of it are crafted into the whole set, which is then treated as one item for soldiers.
I know it probably won´t be like that, but why am I thinking metal fatigue (the game)? Seriously, modular steamarmour would be awesome! Gaslamp, can you include this? For all who don´t know about Metal Fatigue: It´s a RTS that´s all about giant robots which can be formed from four different parts (Torso, left arm, right arm, legs) with quite a lot of modules to choose from.