I'm just wondering if you can make a wand that never burns out, or is it hardcoded to whatever. I have a mod idea that involves it, but I don't see anything related to it.
Closest I can think of would be to make a potion that has an effect and also summons another copy of the same potion.
Was thinking about using potions for something too. Is there a way to avoid having the hero play the potion animation or have him play a different one instead when he uses a potion ?
To my knowledge, blob, there are no options in the XML for custom animations. Too, bad, too, because a 'read scroll' animation would be badass.
I think I read somewhere the animation already exists or something actually ( just that scrolls arent implemented yet ) but yeah just doubting on the possibility of loading a different one than the one coded.
Sure enough, there's a BUNCH of animations that don't look implemented. hero_read_scroll, hero_read_book, hero_shitty_idle. I wish I had a program that could open these, because I'd love to see what that last one was.
If you are talking about the spr files, I think that Game Maker used those. It's probably a different format though, just with the same name.
Maybe try a 1 turn polymorph. I've tried something similar with the book animation in Chronology. --- For the wand, have you considered just giving it 999999 charges?