Question about wands

Discussion in 'Modding' started by badboy80, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. badboy80

    badboy80 Member

    I'm just wondering if you can make a wand that never burns out, or is it hardcoded to whatever. I have a mod idea that involves it, but I don't see anything related to it.
  2. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Closest I can think of would be to make a potion that has an effect and also summons another copy of the same potion.
  3. blob

    blob Member

    Was thinking about using potions for something too. Is there a way to avoid having the hero play the potion animation or have him play a different one instead when he uses a potion ?
  4. badboy80

    badboy80 Member

    I was thinking of using a scroll, but they aren't actually implemented in the game are they?
  5. blob

    blob Member

    I was thinking of creating scrolls ( using potions ). :)
  6. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    To my knowledge, blob, there are no options in the XML for custom animations. Too, bad, too, because a 'read scroll' animation would be badass. :)
  7. blob

    blob Member

    I think I read somewhere the animation already exists or something actually ( just that scrolls arent implemented yet ) but yeah just doubting on the possibility of loading a different one than the one coded.
  8. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Sure enough, there's a BUNCH of animations that don't look implemented. hero_read_scroll, hero_read_book, hero_shitty_idle. I wish I had a program that could open these, because I'd love to see what that last one was. :)
  9. blob

    blob Member

    Oh, nice ! Well hopefully for some far, future update.
  10. badboy80

    badboy80 Member

    If you are talking about the spr files, I think that Game Maker used those. It's probably a different format though, just with the same name.
  11. J-Factor

    J-Factor Member

  12. blob

    blob Member

    Omg H4XX !!!
  13. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Now THAT is funny. I'd love to be able to invoke that as an animation for a skill use or something. :)
  14. J-Factor

    J-Factor Member

    Maybe try a 1 turn polymorph. I've tried something similar with the book animation in Chronology.


    For the wand, have you considered just giving it 999999 charges?
  15. blob

    blob Member

    Thanks guys :)
    Sorry Badboy for the Out of topic transgression : x