Howdy and thanks for stopping by, I haven't tried my hand at DoD modding yet, being a bit imtidated by all the XML tags, more used to using end-user module software for modding, anyhow, I had a question about the feasability of an idea I'd had: Is it possible to make an on-hit proc that only works on enemies in a certain state? An example to clarify, would it be possible to make, say, a skill that Always procs a critical hit on a burning enemy, but otherwise Never occurs? I'd had an Idea for some sort of sleep-based "Somnomancy" skill tree, and some accompanying items, but most of my interesting ideas for it require the ability to have skills that effect sleeping enemies but not anything else. I'd appreciate being told this if this isn't doable before I get too invested in the idea and break my little heart.
You could but as far as I'm concerned it would be extremely clunky and wouldn't work on other ways to make enemies sleep/burn/etc. You can make dots require a specific buff, so you can make your sleep/burn spells put a buff on the enemy, and then the attack spells be dots that require that buff.
Hm, so I would have to write my own "sleep" debuff, make anything sleep inducing in the mod use that debuff, and then have any abilities I wanted to target asleep enemies require that debuff, did I follow that right? It does sound clunky, but at least sleep is a relatively rare effect at the moment.
That's the gist of it yes. Also it can be noted that sleep is a very fragile debuff. Mobs will wake up if you attack anything near them, not just themselves.
True, but I was more just going for abilities that give you buffs and health/mana/items for killing a sleeping monster, as well as adding in a few more ways of getting foes to sleep apart from just spells ("tranquilizer rifle" crossbow, "Book of Kanadian nursery rhymes" tome, stuff like that). A "Mass sleep" spell wouldn't be all that useful compared to the sort of spells already in-game, for example, I was more thinking of a tree useful with forethought and careful skill/item synergy, but not overly useful otherwise, setting up killing blows by one-two sleep-attack combo-ing enemies, buffs/restores for killing sleeping enemies (Eat their dreams!), gaining items (Lobotomy party!), teleport to a sleeping enemy, maybe a stacking debuff based on how long enemies slept before you wake attack them, stuff like that. Anyhow, thanks for the tips so far, it looks like it might still be do-able, but not sure I could manage it myself.
There's a mod that has a mass sleep(silver tongue, as its level 0 ability), and a mod that has a tome with sleep(history of the world part I, probably faxpax).
Yeah, I had to put a pretty strong debuff along with that sleep effect (on Silver Tongue) to make it worth being a level zero ability. That should tell you everything you need to know about Sleep.