Quick modding question

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Jellp, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Jellp

    Jellp Member

    Is it possible to consume a specific item with a spell? Or, remove a specific buff with a spell?
    Just asking because, well, I wish to get the no out of gunz&Nobulletz. :3
  2. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    There's no way to consume a specific item yet, sadly.

    But you can totally use <effect type="removebuffbyname" name="BUFFNAME" amount="X"> where if X=0, it removes all of a given buff. There's a thread here called Experimental Cannoncraft wherein Doctor Bad Ideas is using the same concept -- one spell gives you stacks of a buff called "Magic Bullet", and the "gun" spell removes iterations of Magic Bullet (or fails if you have none due to <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="magic bullet" spell="gunshot"/>)

    So, yeah, totally possible. :)
    Kazeto, FaustoMartense and Jellp like this.
  3. Jellp

    Jellp Member

    Thank you!
    Also, if you try to use the wand without the reload buff, will it still consume the charge?
  4. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Unfortunately, yes.
    Jellp likes this.
  5. Jellp

    Jellp Member

    Thank you, again! :D
  6. Jellp

    Jellp Member

    I have one more question, I don't feel like posting another thread.
    I have my buff, but this buff doesn't appear to my character:
    <spell name="Loaded" type="self" >
        <buff self="1" allowstacking="1" stacksize="8" removable="1" icon="items/Loaded_64.png" smallicon="items/Loaded_32.png" > 
        <description text="You can now shoot a gun, good job!" />
    Does anyone know what is wrong with this buff?
  7. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    try adding "usetimer="0". I think it defaults to usetimer='1' and then if you have no time listed, it defaults to time="0", which disappears basically isntantly.
    Kazeto and Jellp like this.
  8. Jellp

    Jellp Member

    Thanks once again!