Borrowing this suggestion from a fellow forumite to put up on here for the devs to see - Since we can't have any changes in Wizardland geometry without breaking something or a lot of work put in, I have a proposition for the devs. Please allow code users to randomly find a special drop like a 'mysterious portal key' which lets the game spawn a random mysterious portal to spice things up, instead of a level-appropriate wizardland code. The spawning of a mysterious portal, unlike a wizardland dungeon, allows items of all types to spawn in it, and not just vanilla stuff as a wizardland has as such. This can add a whole new dimension of fun for players to enjoy. I'm counting on the devs to at least take cognizance of an idea like this - we already have infinite wizardlands and multiple codes - why not just give the player a chance to also explore mysterious portals indefinitely? It'll at least make some change from having to go through endless runs of Diggle Hell until you get bored.