I love DoD but I feel like I spend a lot of time shuffling my inventory instead of actually playing the game. Can you reduce the number of types of cheese and meats? Or include an option to auto-grind it using the Elven Ingot Grinder? If there was a mod that reduced them all to generic Cheese and Meat I would download it in a heartbeat. There are 6 meats, and 10 cheeses. I feel the same way about the huge number of types of Bolts. If you're trying to run a Ranger, you need to keep any ammo you can get your hands on, but this can add up to a bag full of junk real fast. There are now 25 types of bolt that do nothing but physical damage, and another 14 types that have some added effect. That's 41 types of bolts. You could almost fill your entire bag with just bolts. Again, if there was a mod that reduced the number of bolts to something like Weak, Medium, Strong physical bolts and all the effect bolts I'd download it in a heartbeat just to save time on inventory management. What I'm really trying to say is there's a lot of items that are very similar (this goes for drinks too!) but have a bunch of different types and it clogs your inventory with a whole bunch of items that are functionally almost identical. While having that many different types lets you add a lot of flavor text, when it actually gets in the way of the game it feels really weird.
Maybe it's worth ripping off Terraria just a little bit more and having dedicated slots for ammo or food or reagents. As in "you can carry your favourite 4/12/20 crossbow bolt types for free before cluttering up your inventory with the rest". Or perhaps specialised containers that work the way crafting ones used to - a quiver which can only store bolts, for example, or a Portable Fridge of Holding for food. You could make these highly sought-after loot, or you could integrate them into the crafting system - for example, the Alchemy kit will not only create potions, but store raw materials like Aqua Vitae which have no other use. Edit: Come to that, for the latter idea you could tie specialised storage capacity to skill levels. "Tinkering Level 5 - you can now carry around enough random junk to service a small army. Or to build one from scratch." Alternatively, you could make specialised containers craftable in their own right. Either way, characters would only get the benefit for items that they actually need in the first place, and it would give crafting skills a much-needed boost.
I agree with the inventory clutter, but I do not agree with the reduction in the sort of foods. Many of the foods have different yelds when they are combined together. The arrows I agree with the useful ones are the ones with the status effects there seems to be no need for the large number of non status effect arrows. I suggested some sorta bag expander in my thread that one can purchase to increase our inventory.Another thought on the arrows is perhaps the physical only number gets reduced to the # of metal ingots we have. Also allowing the arrows to be combined to make stronger ones so that even low lvl arrows could be crafted to higher lvl at a savings to the player as long as your crafting skill is high enough.
May be a "multi-pouched" belt as in Diablo2 could also be an option ? I mean 20 or 30 slots avalaible instead of the 10 ? A quiver to combine multiple arrows of the same kind ?
I mean that a quiver (special item) could enable to the gamer to stack more arrows for example as without quiver. Example: 12 copper arrows are stackable without quiver compare to 36 copper arrows with quiver.
i like this idea. a belt of cheeses, belt of throwing items, quiver of arrows, utility belt of traps and other doodads...
Wow, you're a nice one ! OK, I was not aware of this since I never gathered so much arrows. Then may be a quiver seperated in three segments which can keep three different type of bolts or simply a multipouched belt with a quiver on each side of the hip ?? ? BTW: Happy x-mas !
i don´t like the idea of having specialized containers - they just decrease your inventory if you don´t use them. right now the inventory is only enough if you either are a ranged fighter or use only one crafting skill. i prefer: [1] reduce the inventory from 48 to 45 slots [2] increasy inventory slots by 1 for each crafting/archery/thrown weaponry skillpoint. probably archery should get a bit more slots, since there are so many different bolts. [3] add 1 or 2 belts with +3(?) inventory slots [4] "extra inventory slots" is a possible krong enchantment [5] the last swords/axes/maces/staves skill will give +2 extra slots this will give +2-5 extra slots on average. it will punish you for doing things without the proper skills. [2] makes crafting skills more attractive. [5] is only natural - the stronger you are, the more you can carry.
I can't agree with this. [1] would be a straight-up global nerf when inventory is already an issue. [2] doesn't make crafting skills more or less appealing than they are now: you get extra inventory, but their usefulness aside from that is unchanged (people complain smithing is too weak, etc.). [3] and [4] could be interesting, but it's making the convenience of extra inventory being put up versus effective equipment: not a choice I want to make. [5] just seems very arbitrary, the weapon skills are fine and they don't necessarily mean your character is strong (you'd want Burliness to give inventory then, which would be helping warriors who really don't need too much inventory). I do think the dozen different kind of cheeses are excessive: aside from the plain "Cheese" they all can only really be crafted into grated cheese and heal 10-20 HP each. Very little point in so many.
QFT as well, I don't see the need for like so many diff meats and cheezes, an option to auto grind them on pickup would be nice and less work for the devs I bet This alone would get rid of alot of clutter. Another option couild be a food and drink bag, and a ammo bag, these will hold food/drink/anything that is an ammo with an option to automatically put it into said bag on pickup. Crafting supplies bag be nice too. Inv just gets way to cluttered with stuff far to fast in this game.