Hey folks! Firstly, the obligatory apology in case my cursory search was not enough to discover this had been suggested before. Now then; as we all know, this is a game about Failure. Come the inevitable, your average resolute Dredmor player soldiers on and starts on the road to assured doom once more. Given the frequency of this, it would be quite convenient if the last game settings (Difficulty, Permadeath, RotDG) were remembered. A tickbox to Remember Last Name used would also be handy, for the especially unimaginative of us whose scoreboard is littered with Nikolai the Adventurers. This is obviously less of a priority, but would still expedite things. All in all, a low priority suggestion no doubt. But it'd be nice, you know?
I agree in general. Check this out though - has most of what you need http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/the-dredmor-launcher-launcher.3928/