Hiya. I'm legally blind and I have a 21 inch 1920x1080 monitor. Since I can't zoom out, I have to run DoD native which means I can't read any of the flavor text or messages which makes me feel like I'm missing out. Is there a moddy way to remedy this? Even just boldening the font would help.
Mods, not really. However, I'd post in the suggestions forum the GLGuys seem pretty good about accommodating for disabilities. They put the colorblind mode in because I complained to them about not being able to see invisible monsters, health bars, or trap outlines.
Will do. Maybe I can get them to put a biggify button on the character pane too so I can see those icons.
The character pane.... should be biggified at some point, but the code for that is a nightmare. I will look into what's involved with 2x fonts and get back to you.
Thanks a ton. I can't see around my character at 1024x768. It's like I'm playing myself as opposed to someone like myself.
For all who are interested and did not google: The font has been increased and made bold by me and the files can be obtained from this post: http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/large-fonts-for-large-monitors.4147/#post-66362 Scott