Figured this would be the best thread to ask- Do kitchen workbenches actually do anything yet? What about the ceramics workbench? I've been making them just for the heck of it, just in case they actually have a use. (..also it just makes the shop look a little cooler) In the kitchen they're used to making tinned items like Caviar and Corned Beef. Not sure about the Ceramics Workbench.
In fact you don't need any workbench in the kitchen at moment - they will make everything in the ovens. I stopped building them and they still make the tinned and jar stuff.
I'm sure it's temporary and just broken or has had bits of the background code it uses re-written - something like that.
I strongly suspect that cabinets and other stuff that is currently decorative (particularly in houses) is going to end up playing a very big role in satisfying particular traits and maybe even impact skill leveling and some quests
I do hope so. Something like. 'Reginald Steelhope has a strange feeling of despair as he views the landscape of black twisted Hyroglyphic covered ruins painted by Abigal Plank.' or ' Reginald Plank has a sudden overwhelming of joy as he enjoys the splendid still life of two dead dodo's with pumpkin painted by Abigal Steelhope.'