Save Game Synchronization

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Erik Tomlinson, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. Hello, I bought Dungeons of Dredmor on the Steam holiday sale and I must say that I quite like it. The fact it runs on my laptop and I can easily play it while distracted - i.e. looking away for a second won't cause my horrible demise - make it a great game for portable play.

    However, there are some times where I really would just like to use it on my desktop computer, what with my 24" monitor and a real keyboard and mouse.

    It occurs to me that this game would be an excellent candidate for a Steam Cloud save game sync. I was slightly disappointed to find out this did not happen already. Is this a feature in the works?

    Now, if I assume we're never, ever going to get Steam Cloud sync - are the save games compatible between the Windows and Mac OS versions? I might be able to jury-rig something up using Dropbox and file system hardlinks. This has worked for me with KOLMafia, a java game interface for the Kingdom of Loathing web RPG.


    (Reposted here after originally posting in the Steam forums.)
    Mashirafen likes this.
  2. Mashirafen

    Mashirafen Member

    I would like this also, as this game has such a small file size and runs fine on laptops and such, I often play it when I go away. It'd be really nice to be able to continue my saves from other computers.
  3. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    I wouldn't mind seeing that I guess.. but then again, I have no idea how much work it would take to set up the Steam Cloud for DoD. I mean, it is a Rogue-like.. so unless you are not using perma-death, then I wouldn't expect your characters to last long enough to even be synced.

    If it is alot of work to add this feature, then I really don't think it is worth it. My advice; just use different characters on different machines (I even use different builds entirely), since you are probably going to die pretty quickly (within a day/ few hours) anyways and start over. Death is a part of the game, so I personally don't think a Cloud Sync would fit the game's style very much.
  4. When a character does make it to floor 8, though, I start playing REALLY carefully. I'm no longer prepared to be entertained by YASD. I load that character's save only when I'm prepared to play Very Seriously - otherwise I roll up a new guy for casual play. Finishing that game will take more like a week, not a day.