Seriously. Day six, pop 15 or so, six hostile foreigner troops move to attack. Here's the save. Tell me how this is supposed to be fun. I only have two weapons and now my entire colony will be killed, until I get the five freebies and have to start over. If the troops go away I can restart and basically repeat the first two hours I just put in, otherwise with my NCO the first casualty I'm in a death loop. They'll just hang around my stock pile and murder people. This is the fourth game this has happened to me out of the six I've recently started. The other two were broken with bugs and graphical glitches. Scale the raids according to days the colony has survived AND colony wealth. With the slower starts, less resources on starts and everything else that makes the game more difficult the player is basically game overed when this stuff happens. Or I just rage quit because two hours of work just went down the drain and theres no fast forward button and no ability to call for friendly troops. Now that the colony has been killed off I'll have to sit back and wait for the new immigrants and overseers to trickle in again. NOT FUN. You could also give us the ability to pick the challenge level of the script like Rimworld does with its story tellers. There is an option to have an easy low threat game or a crazy hard challenge mode. This game would do well with some more control of the script events and the ability to scale the threats. Cheers.
Continued the game. Got raided again. NCO had a jezel rifle, wouldn't fight. The other militia members wouldn't fight either, or train for that matter. The NCO lost the pistol. Kept wanting to pick up and drop it. Then it just disappeared... Here you go, colony is being slaughtered off again. Same threat too. Nothing I can do about it.
It's all very much random, sometimes you get attacked early on by hostile troops or get raided a lot, other times weeks go by with little ever happening. 'Tis the nature of the game. Whilst some kind of scaling of the potential size of the threats could do with being added, it should never be designed to be something catered for your exact colony to be able to defeat because the idea is that losing is part of the 'fun™'. So not everything will be handing you a personally tailored challenge that's assured to be defeated. Some things can and will trigger and fuck you over, which you then have to recover from and hope nothing else triggers which takes advantage of your weakened state and fucks you over even more. I'll admit it's a rather alien concept in modern games design* that the player should actually lose encounters and be given challenges not tailored to be promptly defeated with little loss making the player feel all awesome and like their penis is 16 feet long, riding the players buzz to get received as a game better than it actually is. But it's a concept more games could really do with to try remind players that not everything is about stroking their egos by intentionally scaling down everything to be beaten no matter what, and to also remind the player that fun is more than just thinking you're better than you are, that the player should 'never truly lose' and that a game should try to convince the player they have nothing to learn and improve upon. So how is having 6 troops arrive on day 6 meant to be fun? It reminds you that there are dangers out there, and things can happen that WILL severely impact your colony. Bad things happen along with the good, and if you get through them all and have a colony that's still standing at the end of the day, that's actually an achievement not just something that's given to you because it makes you feel better about yourself as a cheap approach to get easy positive player reactions. That all said, morale and the capabilities for your colonists to fight does seem problematic at times to the point where it exceeds what is probably intended in terms of challenge, and ends up leading to situations where a lone bandit can end up slaughtering a entire colony including NCO and switching all colonists to militia in a 12+ sized colony. Hopefully those aspects will be addressed one way or another as they definitely seem to be more broken than intentionally designed that way to introduce challenge. * Outside of the misused 'roguelike' genre labelling.
I got raided by 6+ with not that many people and no soldiers too. It's okay if it happens sometimes though, you just gotta take it. I admit it could be tweaked a little so it's not happening 3 times in 4 days though.
Indeed, some kind of cool off period could be handy until more ways to deal with things are introduced.
Well yeah, I think all the foreign troop stuff is totally bogus but this is moot since this isn't how the actual game will be. When it's ready we'll have diplomacy and what-nots and if there is war there'll be something more like a front where you can stockpile guns and ammo behind bulletproof gabions and it's just going to be really different. But right now yes total rage quit stuff. Upfish: " Wow so glad our kitchen has been functioning for 2 whole days now! " Vladimir: " 'SUP fool we have 6 carbines and we hate you because reasoooons *dakkadakkadakka* "
In the before time... in the long long ago... Edit: or did you mean the bogacity of foreigners and the convo between Upfish and Vlad? cuz i totes posted the video on instagram.