STARTING - "Tenderfoot" - Your first steps into the world of Dungeon Scouting are cautious ones. Passive - +5 to , +1 to Activated skill: Light Steps buff 15 turns, +20 and ability to cross traps without setting them off. Cooldown 60 turns. 2. "Be Prepared" - An experienced Dungeon Scout is always prepared for peril and vigilant against danger. You're not very experienced yet, though, so you can only manage to be prepared some of the time. Passive - +1 to , +1 to , +2 to Activated skill - "Be Prepared" brittle defensive buff, expires after taking 5 hits. Gives +2 , +10 . Cooldown 30 turns. 3. "First Aid" - All Dungeon Scouts learn the basics of treating scrapes and bruises. Activated skill - "First Aid", heals 10 , gives +10 for 15 turns. Cooldown 25 turns. 4. "Live Off the Land" - Dungeon Scouts know how to trap creatures for food, far away from civilized society or vending machines. Passive - +2 , +5 , +1 Passive ability - Butcher (as per BGH) 5. "Merit Badge for Masochism" - Your pursuit of Dungeon Scout excellence has given you many things - but mostly pain. Poisonous plants, diggle flu, painful thorns and those campfire incidents have all left their marks on you. Passive - +3 , +3 , +3 , +3 It needs a bit of work, probably another rank and some other stuff, but I figured I would pitch it to you guys and see if you had any ideas.
6. "Master Dungeon Scout" - As a Master Dungeon Scout you have mastered the skills necessary to survive in the perilous caverns, dungeons and rowdy bars throughout the land! Passive - +1 , +1 , +5 , +2 , +2 , +2 Kinda weak for a capstone, no real nice defining skill - just stat bonuses. Maybe switch LotL to capstone and do some clever renaming? idk.
Currently the chance to trigger a trap when you walk over it is tied directly to , but even at 200+ you can still trigger traps sometimes when walking over them. So Light Step is not really possible as you have it. You could in theory make a buff that adds a crazy amount of like an additional 200 on top of whatever passives you have that would almost guarantee no traps being set off, but I am unaware if there is any certain number that would work 100% of the time. And really there is no way to negate the massive stealth to monster boni with that sort of workaround.
What if it were possible to simply treat the player as if he were not capable of activating traps at all, independent of ? Is there a way to do that?
I believe the flying form of vampirism does that. Maybe you could you polymorph into a yourself but give it the flying tag.
I never took Vampirism. It adds a polymorph that flies?!?! That could be nice at times. If that is the case and there is a way to fly at all then I really wonder why there does not seem to be a Kung-Fu stance to gain flying. That would entirely make you immune to setting traps off.
Interesting idea, but then you have the ability to walk over water/lava/goo/whatever. Amusing but definitely not in the spirit of the skill.
Call it "Pathfinding" and put it on a timer. That is in the spirit of the skill. "Only a proper Scout could find the way through the traps, lava and water."
I really like this tree so far. It covers a lot of the problems many build share. Also I'm a little worried about First Aid being a little overpowered 15 turns buff of 10 hp regen. That with either killer vegan maxed or celestial circle is 1hp per turn without equipment. I would have that bluff on at almost all times. Maybe make it heal 20 hp and gives a 8 hp regen. Much more useful early game but still nice later on. Though that could just be wrong and it could be balanced.