Was curious if anyone is aware of more conditional or action types than these for room scripts locations are either room co-ordinates or numbered locations conditional_type="at" id="[object id]" [location (is this optional?)] conditional_type="activated_changed" id="[switch id]" conditional_type="activated" activated="[0/1]" id="[switch id]" (i presume activated is a boolean but not certain) conditional_type="isdead" id="[monster id]" action_type="spell" cast="[spell name]" [location] action_type="create" create_type="[item type]" [type="[element to create]" or name="[monster name]"] [location] (monster name is optional and not needed if a level apropiate one is wanted to be spawned) action_type="remove" id="[object to remove]" action_type="move" id="[object to move]" [location] action_type="ticker" text="[string to write]"