The irony is that most of us seem to be more tolerant to alcohol than we are of milk; so what category do the people who can stand fermented milk products such as black airag belong to? The supreme irony however is that people beeline towards whatever they have the LEAST capacity for - you will observe that the average European can tolerate a bottle or two of beer without becoming utterly stoned in the process. However, the average Asian has no business being within 6 feet of an alcohol bottle, leave alone the spirit-type hard liquors such as gin, whisky, brandy, rum, vodka, and minttu. To be more precise; one mug of beer, or a single shot of spirits, is usually enough to get the average Asian drunk, probably two. And since we have no business drinking in the first place, once the alcohol in your body gets metabolized to formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, the fun begins. A couple of years' worth of regular drinking alone can bring someone to their knees here with a severe case of pancreatitis. Being posted in surgery, we had the opportunity to see this first-hand; the fellow in our neck of the woods who was admitted two days in keeps throwing up everything he eats and throws up bile when not doing that. Both his kidneys and most of his liver were deep sixed by the time he got here too. I refuse to point out anything else since this is probably NSFW in the context of our forum and I have to maintain some degree of confidentiality. TL;DR - never overdo ANYTHING.
I for one *Love* Milk in my Coffee and my Tea. I usually make hot tea and then mix in instant coffee and finally cool it with the addition of milk. Healthy Caffeine and milkfats for the win! I literally cannot drink the tap water where I live, but the FDA wants to pretend that is not the pure excrement it is, yet Milk of all things is going to murder me with fire? I have bought hundreds of dollars worth of distilled water locally every year for almost two decades. Why? Because "Bottled" water is just tap water in a bottle. The local "Superior" water purification system is maintained by incompetent .... people... And they fail every last inspection they have. You want to hear the irony of this? An inspector was arrested for taking bribes several years ago, and they suddenly started failing every inspection since. Before that they passed with the upper limit of what is tolerated in every checked category. There is literally a danger of radiation of all things in my tap water, yet no-one can answer where it comes from. And milk is bad. M'kay? (That is sarcasm, just in case someone did not notice.)
Well actually Cheese fermentation destroy kinda destroy the listeria thing so there's no way to get ill by eating Camembert, Brie or Roquefort, so there's like no risk at all as long the cheese have fermented long enough. Some countries actually have a regulation about that (you can sell raw milk cheese that didn't have enough fermentation time). It would actually be even more interesting if it was the same mutation, because the odds that the same mutation appears both in Danemark and Africa would be pretty low i think .
Some asian friend told me the mutation about alcohol intolerance was touching like 75% of the asian population, though i can't find proper figures. What's even more ridiculous, is that chinese businesspeople traditionally drink a lot (Gan Bei !) as part of their infamous banquets. Even though they can't hold the Bai Jiu (local white spirits) they drink it and get completely drunk in no time Oh that sucks ... I got Heavy metals and unhealthy doses of chlorine here, boiling the water don't even help, you have to buy distilled water or make your own. Or buy a 500$ purification device.
The sad fact is that I did the mathematics on how much it would cost in energy to distill my own water, and I discovered I actually pay less to buy distilled than to boil water through a still and then pay again to remove the heat and excess humidity via my air conditioner. (Around $1.20 USD per gallon to make it myself, verses around $.80 USD to buy it.) And as you said, distillation does not remove many things, and does exactly nothing to radiation. My tap water is so awful that I loath attempting to bathe. Soap will not rinse off, and the water itself has a sulphuric smell that simply will not go away. A few years ago the body of a dead person of unknown identity was found floating in the water tower my city uses. It had apparently been there for months by the time it was discovered. The local papers *DID NOT* mention this detail. I only heard it because I know some people that work in the public works department of the area. I once used a device (That I cannot remember the name of.) to determine the undissolved solids of the local tap-water. It measured somewhere around 500+ PPM. I then measured rain dripping off my roof and it measured zero. I thought I must have messed up somehow and measured again and again. Tap-water always was 500+ and rain was always zero.
This is fully on topic. Read it yourself. I am sickened by this mess. The FDA is insane and corrupt.
But...but...but... Crushed beaver anuses are both delicious and totally natural! Seriously, though. I don't agree with you at all about the FDA. Their primary reason for existence is our personal welfare, and while they are not perfect, they have been doing a relatively good job of it. The problem isn't that the FDA is too powerful, it's that there is far too much that does NOT fall under their control (such as herbal, homeoathic/naturapathic/ayurvedic/etc., remedies, the vast majority of which actually are totally ineffective, unhealthy, and even deadly.
Lots of material I'm skipping, but I just wanted to say -- the whole crap about raw milk being bad for you is a giant pile of crap. Raw milk is better for your body in almost every way than pasteurized, homogenized milk. It's even drinkable by people with lactose intolerance because it contains the enzymes that break down lactose -- enzymes that are broken down by paseturization. The whole notion of killing bacteria via pasteurization was useful back in the day when we didn't have the proper knowledge and equipment to, you know, keep literal shit out of our milk -- but those days are long gone, and raw milk dairies are among the most circumspect, careful food producers in the world because they know the FDA is just looking for an excuse to shut them down. Personally, I have drunk exclusively raw milk for the past 5 years, and I will never let pasteurized homogenized milk pass through my lips again. And don't even get me STARTED on the laws regarding non-whole milk. Suffice it to say, the FDA allows companies to put literally anything in 2%, 1%, and nonfat milk as long as it "helps maintain the appearance of, or flavor of, milk." You're literally not legally allowed to know what you're drinking if you're drinking milk that isn't whole -- which is why, as DagglePlusPlus pointed out, it's getting harder and harder to find whole milk. Personally, while it took me a week or two to get used to the taste -- it tastes like (surprise!) grass -- once I felt how much better I operated when I had raw milk, raw-milk ice cream, and so forth, it was well worth the fact that it's $9 per gallon. And I'm broke as f***, so that's saying a lot.
I was thinking of reading up to say what Essence just said. But he did it well. Note that those enzymes are still an option when you are fully grown and matured. Just have a very small amount of raw milk with each meal for a while. The bacteria that does the bulk of conversion in your digestion will become more and more compatible with those enzymes and with lactose. Nature put that there for a reason after all. Infants can more readily tolerate lactose since their metabolism is so fast. It cannot be digested? No problem. It is gone in a few more hours anyway. By the time their digestion slows down enough for lactose to be an irritant, they are all but immune to the problems they would have if they had not had it regularly. Note that the Irish natives are usually resistant to Arsenic before they reach puberty. Why is that? Exposure. Every potato they had grown and cooked and eaten had some measurable amount of arsenic. So does their water supply in most areas. Nature *WILL* kill you if you are moronic, but Nature is not malefic. Nature tries to balance everything. The more we try to push away from what has worked since the beginning of our Species, the more problems we encounter. Use your head and try things. If it seems to be awful, try slower next time. You have to crawl before you can walk, before you can run, before you can fly, before you can troll forums. If alcohol disagrees with you, you should water it down and take small amounts of it until your body adapts to it. I suggest this even for people who hate alcohol, since many things we eat actually ferment some measurable amount while passing our digestive system. So you absolutely will have exposure to alcohol even if you avoid it. If Milk disagrees with you, eat cheeses and drink smaller portions of milk for a while. Your body will probably get over whatever is upsetting it. If you are lactose intolerant, then certainly avoid too much lactose, but *DO NOT* eliminate it entirely from your diet. That is counterproductive. Why? Have you ever sunburned? And upon sunburning, did you swear off sunlight as too dangerous to ever expose yourself to it again? Or did you spend shorter periods in direct sunlight and allow your body to adjust a bit before going back into the cruel of the torch in the sky? I am ranting again. So I had better end this rant. Sorry for the lecture.
I thought it was more along the lines of giving privilege to some industries and blocking some foreign imports competing with aforementioned industries.
Just looked the ingredient list of the australian milk i've been drinking : reduced fat milk, milk solids (wut ?), minerals (iron), vitamin C&D, emulsifier, vegetable gums. Ew. And i guess it's not the worst compared to "milk" you can find in the US. I never bothered to look up the ingredient list of a bottle of milk, because you know it's supposed to be milk, but the name "smart milk" should have tipped it off. Down the sink. I'll buy some chinese milk ffs.
I have read that one before, but I have no idea what "Milk Solids" are. The Milk I buy is from Braums. (The Ice-Cream shop.) They sell what they call "Vitamin D Milk" but the ingredients are "Grade A Whole Milk, Vitamin D3". And nothing else. The FDA here does not require all ingredients to be listed, but I doubt it includes "Crushed Beaver Anuses" or any other nonsense that is plainly horrible. If I were able to afford it, I would buy real Milk that does not even have other ingredients, but buying this from Braums is cheaper than buying the garbage "Vitamin D Milk" that tastes like it is primarily paint thinner and CBA from Wal-Mart. Braums is just a better company. Period. You know, ironic as it sounds, you can actually buy Human Milk too. And you need not pretend you want it for a child. You can safely say "I have a lactose intolerance." and they will be quite hospitable about it. Just a thought for those who do have a lactose intolerance or wonder what it tastes like. But if you want the cheap story, it tastes like Milk. It will be different by some small amount each time, but it depends more on what they eat and how their health is than anything else. The sole PURPOSE of the FDA is to protect the public. That said, they are not perfect, and may be subject to all the kinds of things that can happen with a government agency. Their record isn't spotless, they make mistakes, but without them, we'd be far worse off. Unfortunately, there are all sorts of loopholes that allow foods and drugs to escape their purview -- thats' why you have pharmacies able to sell drugs like aspirin on the same shelf as 'head-on'.
With that logo that screams "Evil Governmental Agency" ? Anyway this thing is probably overly corrupt given the size and the scope of its work, it doesn't matter what their mission statement is anymore. When you have an agency deciding alone what goods can and cannot be sold on the us soil, it will attracts a lot of interest from people that wan't to get an unfair advantage upon others.
We can make a thread to discus the purpose of and actions of national organizations so Daynab can close it and leave this one alone. To sum it up, mandates mean less than they should these days. No-one is debating the purpose. I only protest the things they seem to fail hard at doing that should fall within that purpose. Now back to the topic before Daynab comes and kicks me in the teeth for this mess.
I'm actually on a diet, sort of. I read some books, decided that most of it is bullshit and that I mostly need to reduce small meals in between and to eat more stuff that takes longer to digest, more fibers etc. I'm overweight, 1,77m and about 87kg or such, but luckily I'm decently sporty. Sadly I haven't been doing regular courses in the last 3 months or so, but at least I do around 10-15km per day on bike, which amounts to about 40 min, as well as Beachvolleyball and occasionally swimming. Still, I have less muscles than I used to do. What I'm trying now is vegan breakfasting with lots of fiber and carbohydrates, a pretty normal meal at noon and no carbohydrates in the evening, as well as swimming as much as possible Finally managed to do 3km today without feeling like a drowned beaver. Will see how this works out, my biggest problem is probably that I dislike most vegetables :/ Thankfully it's gotten better and I'm a pretty decent cook. Advice: Cooking yourself is nearly always better, you control what goes in, especially sugar and glutamate, which is included in pretty much everything. You also pay less and have fun. Put on some good music and let the dishes dance
Sounds like a decent plan. Not directly relevant, since you're clearly not doing it, but for anyone wondering, the vegan diet is a horrible idea. Not only does your body not get carnatine (an amino acid that, while not essential, takes HUGE resources for your body to synthesize), but you also run a very severe risk of copper toxicity. One of the side effects -- no joke -- of copper toxicity is a feeling of mezzed-out spirituality and a vague superiority to the rest of the world. Not to be a cynic, but...there it is. I've seen no fewer than six vegans break down and eat a mostly-raw steak right in front of me (the college across the street is known for people trying to be vegan and failing), and every single one of them has gone on a rant about how much better they felt afterwards. Of course, four went back on the vegan diet three days later...peer pressure can be hell.
Brofist for being pretty much the same height (I'm ~ an inch taller) and ~ the same weight (~3lbs heavier). The big thing I find is that if you're actually fit, you function pretty well close to what a 'regular' person would. My weight sits on ~130kg pretty constantly, and I row - in season, my belly is littler, out of season I lose some muscle and put on some fat - yet my weight varies by less than a kilo.
I've been watching my diet lately (mostly because I've been diagnosed with high blood pressure recently). Its inspired me to start doing some light daily exercise on a recumbent bike. So far I've consistently been losing 2 to 3 pounds a week for the past several weeks, so things have been going well. I'm not on any specific diet -- but I have made adjustments, such as eating more salmon and taking omega 3 pills, and cut out hard cheese, and a few other things that are high in salt. Essentially, I'm just trying to eat healthier, and stay away from junk food and soft drinks. Dieting itself can sometimes be unhealthy in the long run, and can lead to wide fluctuations in weight, since most diets are nearly impossible for most people to maintain. Unless you have specific health issues that require it, it's best if you don't diet at all, and just try to eat healthy and get regular exercise. If that doesn't work, then you need to talk to a doctor.