Shield "fix" I'd really like to see

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Mr_Strange, May 14, 2012.

  1. Mr_Strange

    Mr_Strange Member

    This is something that came up in the "Great Shield Improvement Thread." But I wanted to make it more visible, because I really, really like the idea.

    The Idea:

    Change the way block works. If you do NOT have a shield, block reduces basic damage by 50%, and exotic damage by 25%. If you DO have a shield, block reduces basic damage by 75%, and exotic damage by 50% (like it is now.)

    This makes using a shield an important part of your defense, if you rely on :block: to help mitigate damage. For characters who focus on :counter: or :dodge:, (or who just ignore defense) this doesn't really change anything.

    To make the benefits of a shield apparent, I further propose that the "block" text which appears on a successful block be adjusted to read "shield block" if you are holding a shield. Giving a bit of feedback that block acts differently with and without a shield should suffice to educate players.

    There are plenty of other good ideas in the original thread - but this one really jumps out at me as a really straightforward, simple & effective.
    mining, Essence, OmniNegro and 2 others like this.
  2. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

  3. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I believe that this, along with actually mechanically attaching Shield Bearer's stat bonuses to having a shield in your hand, would go about half the distance toward putting Shields on par with Dual Wielding (where it's supposed to be.)