Already from the onset, the beetles from hell’s own brimstone pit attacks. And what does the yellow bellied, spineless gutter spewed soldiers do? THEY RUN! Don’t they know their duty? Instead they let the population be wiped out. Are they traitors? Saboteurs? When do we get the wall to line them up against? And no last cigarette - we don't grow tobacco yet anyhow. And we bloody well won’t either if the soldiers keep letting the workers get beetled to death. Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die: So by cog do so...
The jungle biome in 38C is for those who invite death. I tried it a few times and couldn't make it past day three.
Why hello! My thoughts exactly or worst yet you could sentence them to work! A fate worst than death I do say. Unfortunately I spoke out of turn on the matter of colonizing New Sogwood and am apparently to be shipped off to a place so terrible, so much worse than New Sogwood, that I'll never even know where I am. I did however create a general instructional guide of priorities to surviving in that dreaded swamp that you may find here: