I suggest this as a way to reintroduce the old Dead Shot skill, partly because I love the idea of a shooting/ centric skill, partly because I hate not being able to get all the achivements ( ) and partly because, currently there is no strict anti-undead skill in the game while anti-animal and anti-veggie being accessable. Also, I think its a pretty cool and interesting idea. Point bonuses per level are naturally very open and I also opened this up as an alternative to Astrology if you want to try and go Necronomics on a gish for instance. Note that "vs Undead" may not be possible - in that case, "+2 vs Undead enemies" should be replaced with "+1" and. Deadshot "I shoot dead people" Level 0: Start with Crude Iron Crossbow and 10 plastic arrows. +2 vs Undead enemies, +3 Level 1: +2 vs Undead enemies when using Crossbow, +3 , +1 , Dead Money Dead Money: Passive, enemies drop double gold if killed with an arrow (or if unpossible, 30% to drop double gold on death) Level 2: +2 vs Undead enemies when using Crossbow, +3 , +1 , Dead Shootings Dead Shootings: Passive, Undeads have 30% chance of dropping Plastic Arrows on death Level 3: +2 vs Undead enemies when using Crossbow, +3 , +1 , Shot of Death Piercing Shot: Dead damage with crossbow to target, and any target in straight line between you and target. (if impossible, may only be in a cardinal direction or whatever template fits best) Cooldown: 14 turns Level 4: +2 vs Undead enemies when using Crossbow, +3 , +1 , Dead Shootery Dead Shootings: Passive: Undeads have 30% chance of dropping Iron Arrows on death Level 5: +2 vs Undead enemies when using Crossbow, +3 , +1 , Shot of the Deceased Shot of the Dead: "Shoot" at a corpse to reanimate it as an annoying Wight which refuses to tank for you Level 6: +4 when using Crossbow, +8 , +1 , Dead Shot Dead Shot: Brittle shot 1, 100% chance to deal +1 of every type of damage, +100% crit, resets cooldown on Dead Shot if target is killed. Cooldown 19.
Killer Vegan isn't so much an anti-vegetable skill as it is an animal friend skill. If it didn't make all animals friendly it would be a horrible skill. Vampirisim is anti-animal, and that works because there are 52 different animals in the game. There aren't enough undead monsters in the game to make this worthwhile. You should probably include Demons as well. Here's the count of each monster taxa in the game: Code: Animal 52 Demon 30 Other 16 Undead 15 Vegetable 14 Construct 14 The achievement is easy to get, BTW, by manually editing the file which contains your "last skills". +2 vs Undead enemies should be possible. It'll be a crossbowShotBuff on each ability that casts a spell whose effect has taxa="undead". (And a second effect that has taxa="demons") I'm pretty sure that's how it would work. Dead Money: I'm not sure if double gold is possible, but certainly a Midas spell effect is possible, which would cause extra gold to drop, but not necessarily double. Dead Shootings: Why plastic bolts? It would make more sense if you used their bones as arrows. So, Bone Bolts instead. However, Bone Bolts are a bit too high of a level for a drop like this, and they deal necro damage, so they aren't very good for killing undead, which is what this skill is for. Maybe a new bolt type could be invented: Consecrated Bone Bolt. It would deal a small amount of Righteous damage along with Piercing. Maybe 1 of each, or 1 Righteous and 2 Piercing. These bolts could be marked as special="1" which I think will prevent them from appearing randomly in the dungeon. Piercing Shot: This is currently impossible as you've designed it because a bolt will always hit the first target it connects with. You can't shoot an enemy that is behind another. You could, however, make a spell be cast in a line behind the monster that gets hit with a bolt. I do think it would be limited to a cardinal direction line, which doesn't work well when shooting at an angle. Alternatively, this could be a spell which would work exactly as you described, but then it wouldn't use a bolt, or your crossbow. Dead Shootery: Like the other bolt, but make a higher level version. This time with 2 Righteous Damage and maybe 3 Piercing. The drop rate may need to be balanced with the bolt strength. Dead Shot: "Brittle" is the word used for buffs that go away when you are hit in combat. Attack buffs just have a limited number of "Attacks". So, "Attacks = 1" is the language I would use.