Spawn effect?

Discussion in 'Modding' started by jaybud4, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. jaybud4

    jaybud4 Member

    I'm at my limit here.
    Apart from randomring, I can't seem to find any way to make the spawn effect create something that's truly random.
    I know I could make a list a la Butchery, but that's not how the skill I'm trying to make is supposed to work.

    Am I just missing something, or is it really impossible?
  2. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Make the list very long.
  3. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I know there are also randomgem, randomwand, and random...uh...I think it's randommushroom (?)
  4. jaybud4

    jaybud4 Member

    Ah, true, there is the randomgem and randommushroom.
    randomizewand and randomizeartifact are effects; they involve pre-existing items (for the wandcrafter and archaeologist's re-roll of their respective types)
  5. J-Factor

    J-Factor Member

    Ideally there should be a way to group items in itemDB.xml, such that both spawning and 'consumeItem' spells could refer to a particular group.
  6. Gabriel P

    Gabriel P Member

    For that matter, has anyone been able to get effect type=spawn to create any food items at all? I can get it to spawn e.g. a named potion of my choice, but for some reason it doesn't seem to work with any food items I name. You can work around this by using spawnitemfromlist and only giving it one option, but then it won't go straight into inventory.