Speculation Corner: Upper Class Colonists

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Unforked, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    I've been wondering what the upper class are going to be useful for. It's been a long time since they randomly joined immigration (now you have to build mansions) and gave you a mild prestige point boost. Now that prestige is replaced by relation standing points, what incentive will we have for building expensive structures and allowing these parasites into our colony? Seems they'll do nothing but eat our quality food and turn up their noses at their inferiors.

    It stands to reason we should get some kind of decent reward for accommodating these layabouts.Giving us a boost in standing with the empire is certainly not good enough. Maybe something like this: if you keep them happy enough for long enough, the empire might send you a shiny new suit of Steam Knight armor.

    Very curious to see what the devs have planned.
    berkstin likes this.
  2. Kamisma

    Kamisma Member

    Apart from the useless aristocrats, I still have the hope that poets and urchins will still make the cut for the game.

    I feel like the game lost much of its soul compared to the early concepts.
    berkstin likes this.
  3. berkstin

    berkstin Member

    I hope that they at least can be used for hunting, and possibly as officers if ranks above NCO get implemented... also naturalist would be an acceptable job I would think, but maybe they have to decide to take a job instead of you assigning them?
  4. Rahbek23

    Rahbek23 Member

    I definitely think there's a good gameplay space for making them demanding twats that you can nurture in return for good bonusses, depending on who they are. A weird painter that decides to go all pablo picasso and make your colony empire-famous? Stuff like that.
  5. mrclint

    mrclint Member

    Yeah, naturalist, maybe traders and maaaybe vicars can fit for them. Could be fun if you will have build a naturalist office and then wait for a upper classer to arrive and occupy it for it to function.

    But most I just miss them being totally useless.
    berkstin likes this.
  6. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    There IS a plan for this! I'm not talking about it because it remains to be seen when it gets done.
    berkstin likes this.
  7. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    A rename to "Patricians"...