Speed of the game tips

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Stefan, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Stefan

    Stefan Member


    Is there anything I can do to run the game faster? I am obliged to use the high quality video settings, since on the low ones, beside what;'s moving, everything is black. I have an acer laptop, with an i7, 8gb ram, and a HD5000 video card. After I have 20, 30+ people, everything is incredibly slow.


    Correction 1: After 30F I can run the game with the lowest video details, and everything works fine. The speed question remains.

    Correction 2: I tested the setting in 30F, and if I change the Ambient Oclusion to OFF, everything beside trees and people becomes black. The other 3 settings do not affect the visuals.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2014
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    You could try setting the AZDO line to "1" instead of "0" in config.xml which you can find in documents/gaslamp games/clockwork empires/
  3. Stefan

    Stefan Member

    Hi Daynab

    I tried that, but all people are headless, and trees are invisible unless moused over. I have sent an email with the console and dxdiag. Meanwhile I am changing the game to a desktop, I had it on a laptop with a Radeon HD5000.


    PS: Just tested the game on a desktop computer, which is way slower than my laptop ( laptop - I7, 8 GB ram, HD5000 video card, ssd HDD, desktop - I5, 8 GB ram, some average video card with 4 GB ram, SATA HDD ), and to my surprise the game runs much smoother and faster. Now all I have to do is get a wireless keyboard to be able to use a desktop easily )
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2014