It appears you can stack Mage's Mana Maille from the Warlockery skill tree multiple times. Since it costs a mere 0 mana to activate, you can spam this buff, however it stacks only rarely. I am not sure if there is a hidden cooldown combined with RNG's trickery to pull it off. It seems warping back and forth from the pocket dimension helps a bit. Anyway. 1) Getting hit with one or more Mage's Mana Mailles drains your mana. It's actually possible to get a negative amount of mana. Shouldn't the Mailles drop when you have less then 1 mana? 2) Stacking Mage's Mana Mailles, especially at 0 mana cost, could become pretty exploitable. On the other hand I realize, as it is, without making it stackable it would become a quickly underpowered spell. It's not quite Diablo's Mana Shield. 3) You can carefully build up an impressive stack of Mage's Mana Mailles. It will make your character more or less invincible. Unfortunately, after reloading a savegame the stack is reduced to a single instance. That at least seems to be definitely buggy and makes me doubt the behavior above was intentional at all.
Ah, you can cast Mage's Mana Maille after walking up or down a staircase. I now have 50 resistance against everything. Come at me, bro. Honey badger don't care.
I was thinking about speedrunning a level 2 character with this exploit until finding out I've already been beaten to it. Also, dying to its Achilles' Heel: acid damage.
The fact that you can stack it is a bug (why is it not fixed, I haven't the foggiest). And the fact that it doesn't disappear when your mana hits 0 is kind of an oversight. That having been said, good luck at ravaging Dredmor.
Thank you! However the character has already passed away during a Crash To Desktop after reaching a tileless Dungeon Level 10. His reincarnation, Mr Auto Save, died because I stupidly forgot the 57x Maille stack was reduced to just 1x.