Steam Summer Sale.

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Ghengis_John, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. Ghengis_John

    Ghengis_John Member

    Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone at Gaslamp could tell me if Clockwork empires would be taking part in the Steam Summer Sale. I'm currently leaning towards "no" since it's not on any sort of discount at the moment. As you can see however on my profile here it's the game I'd like the most:

    Unfortunately since I don't have a lot to spend on games I can't just buy everything I want, even on sale (I know, I know, let's be honest I've made some poor life choices :( ) so it would help to know if I should wait or not. I'd understand completely if you didn't take part in the sale but if I knew you weren't going to before hand I could feel free to buy some other things (I sent you guys an e-mail via the contact link but I've missed out on the 75% off sales of Transistor and Banner saga waiting for a response, and the sale on Garry's mod is probably going to end before I hear anything). Thanks for your time guys. I loved Dredmor, I generally like games in the vein of timber and stone and dwarf fortress. I will buy this game eventually and I am patient. It's not like I'm demanding a sale, I just wanna know if one is coming anytime soon.
  2. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Hey! Glad you're excited about the game. We're not participating in the Steam Summer sale (edit: with Clockwork Empires - Dredmor, however, is totally on sale).

    I'll try to keep this as succinct as possible, if I can.
    So: we feel it would be considered inappropriate to do a deep discount while in Early Access. This ties into our pricing strategy for Early Access, which has been to stick to close to the final price from the start, not higher or lower, so that people don't feel compelled to purchase the game earlier just so they can get in on a deal even though they wouldn't want to play it.

    Post-release 1.0 release of CE, significant discounts become a possibility though I obviously can't provide any details about anything to do with that because we're not in that position yet.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2015
  3. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    (There is also the possibility of insignificant discounts after release.)
  4. Ghengis_John

    Ghengis_John Member

    Thanks for the info guys! Understandable dbaum and Nicholas, lol.