Steam X-Post: Mission Impossible 25 Announced!

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by WIbigdog, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. WIbigdog

    WIbigdog Member

    Your Mission: Should you choose to accept it, is to feed your population. Each plant gives you 1 basket full of food. Your people manage to require multiple baskets of food a day to eat, and eat it so quickly that you cannot keep up and can't cook it into actual food. 4 full sized plots with 1 full work crew for each set to only do farming is not enough to keep up with a population of 47. And I can't stop new people from showing up to balance it out because they keep sending overseers and immigrants. Should you choose to tweak how farming works, either by producing more than 1 basket per plant or by reducing how many calories these people need, you can complete your mission. Until then, this feels borderline unplayable with the state of farming.

    Thank you for reading.

    You can read the first replies to this thread on Steam here:

    I've uploaded my save as requested for ya'll to take a look at. Let me know what you find. :D

    Take note there are two building bugs included in this save as well that hopefully translate with it. The Blacksmith with a strange sliver of a triangle for a wall and the Kitchen with no floor left (It used to have a floor until I put those two new ovens in I believe.

    Attached Files: