From all the footage and screenshots I have seen it appears that all the goods stockpiles are on the outside of buildings, while it may be more practical to have a stockpile in the center of town it isn't the most aesthetically pleasing I think. I'm just curious if there will be storage buildings you can build to store goods in instead of just on the ground, also I'm wondering if you can specify certain stockpiles to store only certain kinds of items.
one of the design things they want is open air stockpiles. So you can see your supplies go up and down at a glance and spot production bottlenecks. Idk about stockpile restrictions.
> I'm just curious if there will be storage buildings you can build to store goods in instead of just on the ground ... As Armadilo said, we do want to keep things as visible as possible for the player ala the Impressions citybuilder games. We've talked about internal stockpiles and it basically comes down to "we'll see how it works". > I'm wondering if you can specify certain stockpiles to store only certain kinds of items. That's the plan!
Personally, I've never minded warehouses as a storage-option, as long as there's a log somewhere that tells me exactly what's in there. (Bonus points for having an unreliable bookkeeper who skims off the top and writes up lies. Why yes, Bertie makes 1 shilling a week, of course he can afford those gold chandeliers...)
My idea was internal stockpiles yeah, that way I could build a building to store say the armaments in and have it next to the barracks so that the military could retrieve their weapons but at the same time the populace would have a harder time getting firearms unless allowed. Or for various other storage purposes like granary's and such that the community could have access to. I'm not a fan of not being able to see the colony's resources either so having visible stockpiles is at the top of my list as well.
It'd be nice if you could designate some floor space in a factory as a buffer storage. The time a worker moves to and from a stockpile to get what he needs is often a big chunk of his workday in games like this and especially in Dwarf Fortress where a dwarf will get each individual item in succession. So just having some extra bars of metal or whatever that any old hauler can top up will be very helpful. If a system can be put in where haulers won't try to refill a stockpile that's only missing one or two things that would be nice as well. Say there's a max of 20 iron bars in the factory, when it goes below 10 a hauler will top it back up to 20 if any is available but not before.
That's a nice idea, Demiurge. Stockpile chaos is a huge productivity sap in DF, and it really doesn't need to be. Workflow options based on keeping stuff topped up would be lovely. The trick, I suspect, lies in job prioritization. DF's priorities are famously insane -- ah, those brokers -- so workflows don't mesh at all, and even when they do, there's no attempt to take account of which jobs are holding others up. But honestly, it would take some serious work on Nicholas' part to make CE's stockpiling crazier than DF's