Stuck in a sub-dungeon

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by bronze189, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. bronze189

    bronze189 Member

    Went into one of the wizard portals and, while fighting a few enemies, I used the AoE mace skill - unfortunately, that also knocked a fountain directly into a one-square path, blocking my progress. Subsequent uses of the mace skill in an attempt to knock it further back have proved fruitless, though I do see "Resist!" pop up now and again.
  2. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Search the forums or wiki for "-debug". If you launch the game in debug mode, there's buttons for sending you to the next (lower or higher) floor. If memory serves correctly, either will return you to the first floor of the dungeon if you're in a wizard realm. (Haven't done this in a long time, myself, so I could be mistaken.) I'd give that a try, assuming you don't mind that -debug mode is somewhat "cheaty". If turning on the cheat mode (to get out of that) bothers you, I'd just consider that character "dead by starvation" and start a new one.

    In general, I recommend always taking a skill at least one skill that has either a teleport or a digging power. Especially if you're also taking a skill with area-effect knock back. Actually, no matter your build it's a good idea, since there's teleport traps in the deeper parts of the dungeon. The first time I ever got a character past the second floor, he ended up stranded on an island when I drank my first Instability potion. I had little choice but to retire him. A little frustrating at the time, but darned funny in hindsight.