One of my military "geniuses" decided to go hunting. He picked up a pistol, ran a good distance out of town, shot a dodo bird, dropped the gun, and walked back to town. Now I know the game is not finished yet so these sorts of situations are just the funny things that happen in pre-builds and will one day be remedied, but man there is so much wrong with this situation. Hunters should either bring the carcass or the butchered meat back to town with them. The player should not be bothered to assign a work crew to pick up after hunters every three minutes. Hunters should also NOT drop their weapons in the middle of the forest when they are done hunting.
Good point! I don't see why we couldn't immediately queue a butcher job after a hunter makes a kill; would make them act a bit more sensibly rather than gunning down every animal in sight then maybe butchering them. Made OC-3063 to improve the flow of hunting.
That would be more realistic and improve the gameplay I think. I mean, if hunters just leave dead animals in their wake and some of them get forgotten about then they might start rotting... and rotting animals could attract all manner of horrible beasties from the dark realms of horror and madness...
Very Interesting.. A lone hunter would :sling a rifle ,musket ,holster the pistol,revolver whatever and if the game is small bird carry it back If the game is large it could butchered on the spot and a portion lugged to the stockpile.or better yet the kitchen it seems that the engine will only allow one article to be shown Possibly that could be changed. Realistically , a person sent to pick up the game would not know exactly where the hunter was and particularly where the kill was made . A cell phone is extremely uncommon in the settlement.,ergo the hunter would have to return to tell someone, or trust an unlikely passer by.. A bearer could be sent to accompany the hunter middle class if an upper class (but they do not hunt even for sport,or commissioned officer a batman,valet or such if enlisted send two when the hunt bottom is activated for the military. Do not mean to muddle things. Cheerio.