1: If you have an enemy charmed, summoned, whatever (with the little hearts above their head), you cannot attack them with WASD, even if you have the "Allow attack/use with movement keys" selected. Can we get this for all animals if you have the Killer Vegan skill? Accidentally attacking animals can suck, and having to click to attack ALWAYS sucks. 2: It'd be cool to have some visual representation of your "class" (warrior/wizard/rogue) determined by what skill you currently have the most of. A different character sprite for the three classes seems most obvious, but if this is not worth the effort, a change in portrait would be cool too. Since this is my first post, I may as well throw in the fact that this game is super fun, and even if neither of my suggestions are considered, it's still awesome and totally worth the... $2.88 I think I paid during the holiday sale for the game + expansion. Thanks for 30 hours of gameplay and counting!
1: has been suggested, and I find that I agree with it partially.. but it is a development choice, so don't be surprised if the devs don't agree ^^ 2: Discussion here http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/clothes-on-your-character.2098/ New spriting is very impractical (it would apparently take about 500 sprites per item..), so I don't think they will add that, unless they feel very strongly about it (like with the female character). Portraits are currently being suggested, so you are free to add your own advice on it ! Anyways welcome to the forums, and I hope you enjoy your time here. I am pretty new myself, and these forums seem pretty nice so far.. no flaming or anything negative, although I would prefer more replies ^^
I would personally prefer an option to toggle on/off if you can attack them, because if you choose to be a vegan than trying to avoid creatures of meat and such is half the challenge. It is your sworn oath to not harm those of meat and thus if you foolishly mis-click or step then shame on you, haha. Perhaps if not an option to toggle it on/off. What if on the easier difficulties you can't attack them, but harder difficulties allows you to? I like the idea of a toggle better, for all difficulties.
For some reason, escape doesn't close out the crafting menu like it does all the other menus. I also haven't found ANY keyboard shortcut to open/close the crafting menu. Could something be done about this, please?