Could I get a list of what graphics cards are and aren;t supported? I'm considering getting a new computer and I'd like to be able to play this game.
Anything that says nVidia or AMD on it pretty much. If you're building a new pc, I highly recommend putting one together yourself, as you will get twice the performance for the same money as with a prebuilt. Subreddits such as /r/buildapc and /r/pcmasterrace are really good places to find information and help, if you look past the memes and circlejerking.
I don't recall there being a supported list, more certain cards that are likely to give you trouble. Intel is probably the riskiest, as at least one model will not display the game at all, never mind correctly. The game runs just fine on my ancient (?) GTX 480 and I don't recall Nicholas complaining about Nvidia cards/drivers.
My gold standard is still NVIDIA cards. AMD cards will work, obviously, but occasionally they throw a quirk which I have to go in and fix. Intel is not officially supported, although I believe the game *will* run on the Iris Pro and Iris Pro 2 (the absolute most recent integrated parts)