Sysygy vanishing

Discussion in 'Conquest of the Wizardlands' started by Ghira, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. Ghira

    Ghira Member

    I don't imagine this is a bug, but something new in wizarlands or yhtntep.

    I used to buy a pan galactic gargleblaster first chance I got, drink it, and have syzygy forever unless
    I was foolish enough to run out of mana. But in my first remotely serious game since I got
    wizardlands and yhtntep (I am on desura) I have found myself needing to drink new gargle blasters
    from time to time. Perhaps I am being careless with my mana, though this character really
    doesn't use magic very often.

    Is there some new monster which can remove buffs or am i just being way to slack with my mana?

    Or was syzygy nerfed a bit given that what I was doing before was -very- good value for the 300 or so
    gold it cost?
  2. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    You're being a mite too slack with your mana pool. It could be possible however that an antimagic field spewer may negate existing buffs, though I'm not really sure on that part.
  3. Ghira

    Ghira Member

    I shall pay more attention in future. Thanks.
  4. Maze1125

    Maze1125 Member

    There are lots of enemies that drain your mana now. More than there used to be I believe. I find that I pretty much always lose the buff when I face a monster zoo full of them. That might well be what's happening to you too.
  5. Ghira

    Ghira Member

    Ah, it could well be in monster zoos that I lost it. I don't recall mana-draining being something I noticed happening
    to me in 1.0.11. I shall definitely pay more attention to mana in future, even when not using it. I hadn't imagined
    it could drop when i wasn't using magic.
  6. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    The red hatted gnomes have a drain mana ability.
  7. Additionally, there is now a lesser version of the buff granted by the beverage. Twas' nerfed a bit. The more potent version is only available if you take the astrology tree. But you can have both up at the same time as well.

    Should you have the mana to do so.
  8. Ghira

    Ghira Member

    Thanks. I used to take Astrology but these days I'm playing random skills to force myself to try out some things I would
    probably otherwise never pick. Next time Astrology pops up I'll try the real Syzygy.
    I had been avoiding combinations that seemed silly (e.g. dual-wielding and unarmed) but I gather from another thread that actually they do make sense together. I'll probably still avoid combos with three or more melee weapon skills.
  9. Well.
    They're functional together, but you lose out on a lot of opportunity cost - actually dual wielding is definitely the strongest ability in the tree, and while 15 CA is nothing to sneeze at, it's not really worth the tree.