I mentioned in another thread that I had received a bunch of games that I was trading or giving away. Well the way I got those games was by being one of six finalists in Nomad Games' Talisman Character Competition. I designed the "Shaman" character, btw. Anyway, you can vote here for the character of your choice: http://www.talisman-game.com/character-competition/
I think I mentioned in another thread that I won this contest . Anyway, they have the artwork for my character done: https://www.facebook.com/nomadgamesltd/posts/815559171857350:0
http://nomadgames.co.uk/talismandeshaman/ also... http://www.pcgamesn.com/talisman-di...ew-nature-powered-character-for-specialeffect You can purchase it from Steam for $1.99, or choose your own price if you purchase it from the Nomad Games website -- all proceeds benefit SpecialEffect.