What would be your character/strategy if you were given, say, 2 hours to beat the game and you would win 1 million dollars? Heh. Basically, if you tried to get through the game as fast as humanly possibly what would would your build/strategy be.
Permadeath or not? If not, wand lore, math, reset til I get a tentacle wand, level math til 5, port my way down to dredmor, use tentacle wand on Dredmor 4x, teleport away. Burglary for early exp boost, magic training to help with the mana, and 3 more skills for clearing floor 1 (astrology, any weapon, not sure what else). Either that or burglary + dodger, anything that lets me descend without actually fighting. If permadeath might include a pet (probably fungal) just in case.
Permadeath, of course. I tried a couple times with necro math ley walker blood mage burglary wands(bony wand) magic training Meh. I didn't really milke the first level or 2 much, just tried to get down to the next levels as fast as possible since nightmare can essentially kill any non zombie on level 2. Figured it would be better exp to hurry down there. Really sharpened my door closing skills. Hah.