The New Boatmurdered (and the Youtube Generation)

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Xyvik, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Xyvik

    Xyvik Member

    The new website has an amazing bit of information that I was going to ask the Devs about, but they beat me to it. A direct quote:
    Sharing and Successive Multiplayer: Supporting up to four players online, or via a turn-based ‘round robin’ successive multiplayer, the saved-game file option encourages other player Bureaucrats to further diverge histories and continue building & expanding those colonies.

    That means I am hereby proposing the Gaslamp Forum Boatmurdered! (obviously with a new name)

    In fact, because of the "making this for the YouTube generation" comments, I would like to propose to the Devs that there should be a specific area of the forums for just this kind of thing; there should be plenty of stories going around all the time for us to read up on and laugh about.

    For the uninitiated, Boatmurdered was a Dwarf Fortress story where several players took a colony (named Boatmurdered) and then told the story of its slow but steady demise. Each player got the colony for an in-game year, saved it and passed it on to the next player. You can find it right here, but be warned that several sections are not very safe-for-work. Personally, while I find the story excellent I think it swears a little too much and was hoping we could start a Safe-For-Work Shared Colony story here at Gaslamp.

    Also, once the game hits I would like to start some solo storytelling, more in the vein of The Elder Strolls, and I was hoping to hear some suggestions. I think the idea of Clockwork Empires as a storytelling device is one of the most exciting things and hope that discussions can help foster that idea.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    There will definitely be a forum section for those types of games :) We are a huge fan of Boatmurdered! (often referring to it as examples of good emergent gameplay storytelling)
    Kazeto, convolutedthinker and Xyvik like this.
  3. I'm game for a forum multiplayer, sounds fun.
    Xyvik likes this.
  4. Deadmeat5150

    Deadmeat5150 Member

    While Boatmurdered was fun to participate in (I tried really hard to become overseer) it's the sort of emergent storytelling that allows a Matul Remrit to be born. If you haven't poked your head into the sea of amazing that is Bravemule you don't know what you're missing. This is the sort of thing I'm hoping to come from Clockwork Empires. Especially from multiplayer.
    Kazeto and convolutedthinker like this.
  5. Matul Remrit endures.
    Deadmeat5150 likes this.