This game is an absolute joy...

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by redbarrels, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. redbarrels

    redbarrels Member

    Hey everyone, I've honestly been enjoying Dungeons of Dredmor more than any of my other Steam-related games at the moment. It just goes to show you that million-dollar marketing campaigns and flashy graphics don't mean as much as it used to for me. I've recently fallen back in love with the rogue-like genre because of this gem. To show my appreciation, I wrote a quick review for it on a blog I co-write on called "Red Barrels!" I'm really sorry if this violates any forum rules, I just wanted to let the wonderful folks at Gaslamp Games know that I'm working on spreading the good word!

    Take a look:
  2. MikeW

    MikeW Member

    I am sure they are happy with this. Your point on the graphics... are... incorrect in my point of view. Alright they are not 1080p graphics, but they are amazing. A game isn't about the graphics but about the STYLE of the ART that is used.

    Look at games like, Braid, Limbo, Terraria, Super Meat Boy and that's just naming a few, that use simple, but beautiful graphics which suit the game perfectly.

    Anyway, you did a nice review! :D
  3. redbarrels

    redbarrels Member

    Thanks for the reply! Yeah I think that my comment about the graphics was a little unclear. I was trying to speak from the point of view of a person who maybe would be new to the genre and think that the graphics are dated, when in reality they are quite contemporary for a rogue-like. I appreciate the criticism, I actually changed up the paragraph a little to make it more clear. By the way, I am IN LOVE with Terraria and Super Meat Boy; I meant no harm to pixel graphics or retro art styles : )