Bandits seem a bit strong in the early game right now, to be honest. Perhaps there should be a threshold before they're allowed to start appearing at their current strength (6 months after the player gets 5 professional soldiers?)
I feel completely opposite. After 33 i feel like the enemies are merely a minor nuisance that occasionally gives me something to do. It has been a long time since enemies proved an existential threat to my colony (revision 31 30+ fishmen).
If you freeze your game and rally your soldiers as soon as the bandit event icon shows up, it's rare that they're an issue. Their AI is still very simple, and they get very distracted from shooting to grab stuff instead. Are other players fighting them every time, even when they're low on soldiers? That seems to be the only case where bandits are still that dangerous.
6 bandist spawned on that camp to the south 1 soilder out of my three ran over right away and was insta murder then the other 2 died. so GG
Could have been avoided 2 ways: 1) Let them steal with the option. A few commodities is a small price. 2) Conscript other squads to kill them dead. In this case I would have chosen 1, since it was a clear strenght mismatch and sometimes the new recruits are quite... eh... not so smart.
I think the problem here is they spawned so close to his colony that they were attacking without giving the option of not resisting. Yeah, the minimum distance for Bandit camps should be increased.
that and they had my guys routing before i could have done anything and if you give in to bandits they come back more it seems so killing them stops them for a while.
Looking over bandit_attack.go, it appears that frequency of attacks is random and not affected by whether the player fought back last time or not. There also seems to be a bug in how the bandit camp location is determined. I'll go over it again later to confirm and file a bug report.
OH well it defintaly felt liek if i let one bandit live then i would get an attack the next day but if i killed them all it would be 2+ days till i got attack again. that would be cool if they added a recruitment system to bandits say if you dont kill them all they get more bandits based on what they looted and theres possibility of more spawning if you dont eliminate teh camps. so you could get attacked by multiple groups at once.