Throttle actions so we don't accidentally perform several turns all at once.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Glazed, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    The current input system allows you to input additional actions before the current action has resolved. If you accidentally click the spacebar twice, or double click a monster, you are committing yourself to two actions in a row without having a chance to see how the first action resolves.

    I've even successfully attacked a monster who was two squares away because I clicked him twice. The first attack caused him to run away in fear, so he moved one square away. Then the second attack killed him, even though he was out of reach.

    It's also possible to share the same space as a monster if you you press space in the middle of movement, and the monster's choice was also to move to the square you end up on.

    The worst such interaction is due to player impatience. There may be a case where the player wants to pass a large number of turns. The game allows them to click space as many times as they physically can during a single turn and then forces the player to carry out those following turns. If a monster spawns in their room while they are doing this, this can kill them. I was testing this in an extreme fashion once, and I used my Logitech G510 keyboard to record a macro that contained 20 spaces. The keyboard sends the keystrokes to the operating system with almost no delay, maybe a few milliseconds between them, and the game accepted all of those keystrokes into its input buffer and made my character skip 20 turns.

    Another normal example is when a players gets a little impatient when his pet is being attacked by several monsters all at once. The player may try to move around the screen and input actions, but it's very easy to click two actions in a row because the game takes so long to animate all of the attacks against your pet. It's quite easy to click a WASD button more than once, or click something else more than once because you think your input wasn't accepted the first time. This commits you to whatever those actions were.

    Another example of a player being excessively punished for impatience is when trying to walk around animals when they are playing a Vegan. It becomes natural to just hold down the direction you want to walk and press space until you are past the animals. When doing this it's very easy to click space multiple times in one turn, committing you to skipping a number of turns, which is bad if some wandering monster happens to find you.

    I think there should be a throttle on input that doesn't let you input any actions until the current turn has finished animating. Then a player could hit the spacebar as many times as they want and when something starts to go wrong if they stop hitting the spacebar immediately then their character will immediately stop skipping turns.
  2. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I don't mean to respond to such a long post with something so short, but this is a known bug that's supposedly fixed in the RC's, not a feature.
  3. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Wow, you think I would test this before making such a long post. However, I had no idea it was even being worked on. It does appear that it's been fixed, at least partially.

    I recorded that same macro again that hits Space 20 times in under 1 second. It will still skip a large number of turns, but now if a monster attacks me it immediately stops skipping turns. However, no animation is performed! A monster across the room literally jumps to being right in front of me and then attacks. That's somewhat normal because a monster can move as fast as I can press space.

    If I hit the macro with a monster standing right next to me he performs one attack. I also can't double-click a monster to attack twice.

    I can still hit space immediately after hitting a WASD key and two turns will still pass. I can still get an animal to end up on the same square as me.