
Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Tycho, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. Tycho

    Tycho Member

    I think the Thrown Weapons tree needs work all around. Monster toss should act as a melee-range knockback in NESW directions from player only, with the number of tiles the monster is thrown being determined by :burliness: somehow. If there is a monster on the tile the thrown monster would have landed on, the thrown monster bounces off and lands on the nearest empty tile. Whether the thrown monster hits another or not, it takes a small amount of :dmg_crushing: determined by :melee_power: when it reaches the end of its flight. If it hits another monster the hit monster takes that same amount of damage too. (Should be a relatively small amount of damage, this isn't a "damage" skill)​

    The capstone should make it so that all "retrievable" throwing weapons (i.e. not bombs, flasks or puffballs) can ricochet off the first target and strike another monster in first target's immediate proximity for the same amount of damage, and any effects that were applicable (not necessarily actually applied though) to the first target are applicable to the second as well (such as the fleshbore from Australian Technique).​

    Also, there needs to be a activated thrown skill that puts a monster's eye out. Seriously. Large penalty to :sight: and :edr: (if an enemy's :sight: reaches a certain low level it should make them effectively totally blind and you should be invisible to them, they should also be incapable of using skills that require a specific target, including resurrection skills.) and a chance of paralysis/stun.​

    Also also, still hoping for a "Lob" skill that targets a single square in :sight: radius and puts a thrown weapon smack dab on that square (ricochets etc. do not apply), for the purpose of putting a bomb/flask in the MIDDLE of a crowd. Or if making such a skill is not doable, make bomb-types automatically have that "lob" trajectory, rather than the straight-on throw used for more mundane thrown weaponry.​
    Wi§p and SkyMuffin like this.
  2. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    I like all of these ideas. Especially adding blindness affects to throwing...makes sense, and it reminds me of targeting body parts in Fallout.

    I think Throwing could use a buff in that the :dmg_crushing:damage boosts should be replaced with :melee_power:. I mean, it makes sense. You chuck lots of stuff, you work out and build muscle. It should benefit your other attacks too. Throwing often feels too specialized to me; whereas other skilltrees usually have bonuses that help you out overall, the majority of the bonuses for Throwing only benefit throwing items.

    Also, it would be really entertaining if throwing monsters caused wall/dungeon destruction.