I am currently nursing a hell of a toothache. I have been shot in the legs one time, and this easily outclasses the pain by many, many times. The pain reverberates through my entire head, instead of focusing on the teeth in question. I have no dental insurance, and I live on Social Security Disability, so I have exactly nothing I know of that I can do about this. (I make less than 10k annual income, so I cannot even buy proper medications.) If this continues, I see myself dead. By my own hands. I do not want to die, but this is akin to being burned alive. If anyone knows a resource in Texas that will help me to have all my teeth removed surgically, I am all ears. At this point the best I can do is use a heavy dose of Kratom and Naproxen Sodium in addition to my regular already-heavy Phenobarbitol dose. It is making a dent, but there is way too much pain. To those with intact teeth: Please care for yours better than I cared for mine. This is sheer agony. I am 31 years of age and have already lost five teeth to cavities, and another ten are going to cease to be in the next year at this rate.