Tri-Quad-Quint- and other rediculous wielding styles.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Wi§p, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    Dual wielding is fun.. so tri (and above) wielding must be even funner right? There could be a tree that is required to use any of these rediculous wielding styles.. but it would allow you to equip a sword nearly anywhere (feet, mouth, neck, etc).. The other possibility is that Dual Wielding is changed to Multi-Wielding, but that is less fun right? Each added weapon could reduce your average/ overall damage done (by lowering the total weapon/ buff damage by a %), and/ or lower other stats (like :dodge:, :edr: and etc; since it must be awkward to use so many weapons at once) but would allow you to have a slight damage boost, at the cost of other gear.

    I would like to hear the communities thoughts on such a ridiculous tree, and whether or not it could actually be viable without being underpowered/ overpowered/ or just pointless. On a similar note, what about using weapons as armor? Tying a sword to your arm may not add much defense.. but would allow you to slash them a bit more (adds a % of the weapons total damage?). There could also be a new type of crafting that melds together weapons with an armor piece, while impractical it might just make the most sense out of the three ideas I suggested ^^

    Anyway; Discuss :D
    Blue likes this.
  2. Tycho

    Tycho Member


    Funny thing: In an MMO I used to play, there was a class that had a "Triple Wield" ability. However, it amounted to nothing more than a disembodied magic sword whacking away at the target steadily for a set period of time. Like a very, very lame damage-over-time spell that required physical proximity, and did not benefit from any special abilities you happened to have.

    Because no one has three hands.

    Maybe if the character magically gained amazing prehensile tentacles, like Doctor Octopus. Or became a Hindu god.

    Mmmmmm, don't see that happening. Funny idea, but...
  3. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    Its actually inspired from a few animes.. in One Piece the samurai dude with green hair wields the third blade with his jaw.. in Naruto Killer Bee wields 7 blades/ katanas with his knees/ elbows, one balanced on his shoulder, one with his armpit, another on his hip with the final one with his jaw. Just Google "Killer Bee Naruto seven swords dance" and it should be the first image. It does seem to fit this game's theme though ^^
  4. Ryvian

    Ryvian Member

    > Equip 1 sword to belt location and nowhere else.
    *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust* *Thrust*

    Guys, we've just invented the worst kind of Thrusty that can ever be. Also, "Is that a sword in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?"
    FaxCelestis likes this.
  5. Cream Magneto

    Cream Magneto Member

    you could do it like in Serious Sam,guns stacked on top of other guns!
  6. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    Maybe you could have something about radiation and mutation as an excuse to grow additional limbs? And it would be a good way to make up reasons for penalties as well.
    Wi§p likes this.
  7. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    A Radiation/Mutation wielding style..? Maybe each skill level would mutate you more, giving unique restrictions, but allowing you to have alot more loot equipped at once ^^ I like it.

    @Ryvian: Equipping a wand instead of a sword would make it that much wronger.. especially with the Wand Lore tree.
  8. Tycho

    Tycho Member

    Handy Wand or Tentacular Wand strapped to groin = WAT.
    SkyMuffin and Ryvian like this.
  9. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    What about a dance/ techno/ disco combat/ dodge/ utility tree (either unarmed, or multi-wielding) that adds damage based on your gear/ ridiculous multi wielding, or a new 'style' stat, that would probably be based on :nimbleness:/ :sneakiness: . Since rogues do seem like the type that would like to dance more ^^, and those stats do seem related to style.

    Edits are blue
    SkyMuffin likes this.
  10. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Just do it Munchkin style: a two-handed sword that can wield weapons in both of its hands. :)
    SkyMuffin and Wi§p like this.
  11. Ryvian

    Ryvian Member

    Dude, "Meat Wand" attached to belt slot. Guys we've just past the realm of very awkward, please put your safety goggles on, and your strap on your helmets tight.
    FaxCelestis and Tycho like this.
  12. What about the Narwhaand? Give new meaning to being horn--*stabbed*
  13. Psiweapon

    Psiweapon Member

    One Piece...? Naruto? in my Dredmor?


    Feel the wrath of my cleansing flame. (5:dmg_conflagratory:)

    Craputo is the *worst* thing, period, that's happened to the animu fanboi community. Evar. Second only in overall crapness to current Mtv shows.

    Owait. No, it's not the single worst thing. It's an ex aequo award together with Bleach.

    Seriously, grow some sense of taste.

    (Flaming done, you probably have some seal that gives you 6:resist_conflagratory:. This was done out of a sense of duty. Nothing personal)
  14. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    It doesn't really matter if the series is retarded or not. Personally I don't like it because of the endless power level inflation, but some people here probably like it, and thus it's better not to start the whole "is it the best or the worst thing ever" yet again, as that had already caused many flame wars.

    Getting back to the idea, it's possible to add a third (or even fourth) "weapon" as the only things that are getting changed are stats, so items with appropriate bonuses and overridden class names can be used for that. But there won't be a skill tree to support such a thing due to many things having to be overwritten for that to happen (and the time spent on doing that would be better spent on giving us something else, or on ridding the game of bugs). And whatever the genesis of this one is, fighting with 7 (or more) blades is kind of retarded, as unless one had autonomous drone-like blades (in which case it wouldn't be "fighting with 7 blades"), it would require forms using which completely defeats the purpose of using blades in the first place (swift attacks).
  15. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    Those are just the 'popular' ones :D, That doesn't mean that those do the idea of multi wielding the best, or that I am suggesting Dredmor needs 'anime', or that I even personally enjoy those anime. I just thought it could be interesting to have a new tree that replaces all/most armor with swords, so that you have very high attack power, but are very squishy. Also, only the idea of actually holding the swords was inspired by anime/ manga, the other three or four ideas are either original, or at least a bit more unique. I personally thought melding together weapons on armor could be nice, maybe it could have a chance to damage yourself for the increased stats?

    Besides Kazeto, I really don't expect the Devs to add this, but it could inspire some new 'armor' types, anyone want the hidden blade from Assassin's Creed (just an example)? It might add alot damage, but you would have a chance of hurting yourself.
    Psiweapon likes this.
  16. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    That is actually doable (the same as the "buffed" armour you wrote about), and not that hard, though the difficult part would be making it work only with melee weaponry (as I reckon it would be using the gauntlet slot).
    And even if it's not something that you expect developers to add, it's always better to discuss things rather than discard them outright (unless the idea itself is stupid beyond all belief, but that is definitely not the case here), as it might cause another, more viable idea, to present itself.
  17. Psiweapon

    Psiweapon Member

    Why not just make a "trend" out of stiletto boots, and make a matching skill line?

    Scissorhand Gauntlets : -4:edr: -2:trap_level: 3:dmg_slashing: 2:crit:

    Improbably Spiked Helm: -2:sight: -2:life_regen: 2:dmg_piercing: 2:counter: (Anyone of you know the old dark eldar?)

    Now that I think of it, there are already rings of thorns, rings of EVIL thorns, wreaths of barbs...

    My suggestion: just make items for every slot which have built-in swords and/or blades and/or spikes in the image. And give them slashing/piercing damage and hueg penalties.
  18. Sounds more like a set of items than a skill line, TBH.

    Magic Bellybutton Dagger. (armor slot item, weapony stats and sprite)
    Knifey Jackboots (self-explanatory)
    Glove o' Nails

    etc. Forgo the defensive properties that are typical of normal worn items for additional slashing, piercing damage.