Similar to requirebuffontrigger and requirebuffnotontrigger except instead of checking for a presence/absence of a particular buff, it checks the players current health/mana is greater/less than a certain hard number and/or percentage of total health and/or mana. This would enable modders to do more interesting things, and its also something I would like to see for a tentative overhaul of rogue scientist.
This must be implemented, it would be very useful for lots of uses (has anyone said Limit Breaks? Trance status? Anyone?).
Or something like: Blaze of Glory While at 10% health or less, every turn all tiles around you are damaged with conflagratory, scaled to your max HP. Or use a different name corresponding to the chosen damage type.
Optimist's Bubbly Booze 16 If over 50% life, +4 +1 for 16 turns. "This will be great!" Pessimist's Shot Booze 16 If under 50% life, +4 +1 for 16 turns. "Told you."