I've noticed that this new forum has something for trophies. I'm also assuming that plans are already in place to exploit this to the fullest. Can you drop any hints? (Maybe have one for "first person to ask about them"?)
Yeah, I pretty much woke up that part of the forumites, didn't I? I strongly considered replying to that with yet another haiku, but decided against it. (Other than my sig.)
We disabled trophies but will have some sort of title advancement later. If you notice any references to trophies anywhere let me know and I'll promptly comment them out
Hey, noticed a reference to the trophies under the http://community.gaslampgames.com/account/alert-preferences There is a check-box to receive alerts when you obtain a new trophy. Edit: There are also trophy references under the registered members section. Each member has something called trophy points.