Turning animations or smothness?

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Razorsharp, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Razorsharp

    Razorsharp Member

    Looking at the teaser trailer, gameplay videos and noticed that there's no turning animation or tme delay, AKA the person just "snaps" into the direction he wants to go. I found this really immersion breaking, considering how smooth everything else ran. Will this issue be adressed?
  2. Cutter

    Cutter Member

    I'd wager that's (pre)alpha footage and must be taken as such.
    convolutedthinker and Ghostwoods like this.
  3. Razorsharp

    Razorsharp Member

    Well, hope so. In any case i can get acustomed to this minor inconvenience anyway.
  4. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    I actually don't notice and have pretty good eyes for this, but apparently everybody hates it.

    This will be done at some point? Dunno when.
    EleSigma likes this.