I think it would be interesting if we added a whole cadre of condition status effect buffs to various dreadmor spells. Thus we could establish a standard for future work. However, to make the most use of this system, the requirebuffontrigger flag needs to be adjusted to check for these types of status effects on a monster, rather than the player. I suggest the following standard: requirebuffontrigger/requirebuffonnottrigger: Checks the caster for the presence/absence of a particular buff before triggering. requirebuffontriggertarget/requirebuffonnottriggertarget: Checks the spell target for the presence/absence of a particular buff before triggering.
As to the latter suggestion, requirebuffontarget would be a lot nicer. I don't want to have to type in requirebuffonnottriggertarget="1" requirebuffonnottriggertargetname="On Fire"
Some people are crazy like that when writing code, Ruigi. Heck, I don't remember ever copy-pasting anything that wasn't a whole function/class or a large number of lines at once when coding.
If you're not copying large chunks of code to modify, then it's simply faster to type it than to hunt down the line, copy it, and paste it where you need it. I started with copy pasta coding, then as I got more familiar with the code I just started writing it, with exceptions where I'm doing multiple similar spells/effects. IE: "Ok, time for another subspell. Typety typety type."
If Gaslamp doesn't do this, then we always can determine what would be acceptable and make a mod which has the buffs and such. It wouldn't affect gameplay by itself so it would be fine to keep on all the time.
I don't do this because I'm unfamiliar with the spell syntax, I do it because it insures that my code doesn't get ruined by a misplaced typo. like Code: <effect type="damage" conflagatory="10" affectsCaster="0" />