This is a bad idea. Recursive Curse and Arctic Vortex are the prime offenders. It would be better to have either the associated DoTs be unresistable, or turn them into triggers so that the player isn't left with a halo effect on a monster without realizing that the spell didn't do anything other than waste their mana. Also in the case of the recursive curse, a second cannot be stacked on the first upon it failing, leaving the monster invulnerable to it for a while. This is also tremendously counterintuitive especially given how you were using the midas curse before which can be recast if it fails. Of course new functionality could be introduced to prevent the halo effects from showing, but honestly the fact that Viking Magic and Mathemagic suffer as ludicrously from magic resist on lower floors as they do is probably worth looking at anyway. Actually that may not need new functionality. The DoT itself could trigger the halo effect, having it stack once. Given that buffs are not resistable this should work consistently and not leave the halo effect on past when it should expire.