Windows Vista/7 64-bit Various bugs, mostly inventory items vanishing

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Neviskio, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. Neviskio

    Neviskio Member

    EDIT: updated for 1.0.7 since I didn't notice I had both versions available, I won't be posting agian but edit the main if I find more bugs!

    Hello, I just registered to report a few bugs I encountered, apologies if I can't provide more info but I kinda forgot some on my 30+hrs of playing =P This is all for the steam 1.0.6 release, I got it from the humble bundle recently so, I guess is that version.Where marked I could reproduce the bug in 1.0.7 anyway(I put a /7 on the numbers like 1/7) to make it noticeable)

    Foreword: all the bugs here happened quite often or can be 100% be done.The ones that can't be done are really some random and weird ones, I will try and update them if I manage to reproduce them.

    1/7)Having two named items(like the royal beatdown, but works with any) causes a lot of inventory items going missing: if you have one of the two selected and click on the other, you'll lose one of the two.If you have one equipped and one in inventory if you change the one equipped with any other weapon you'll have a named item stacked to 2(the little number icon shows 2) but instead you'll lose one of the two when trying to re equip it.KNOWN.
    2)Auto fill makes your item vanish if you have anything selected on mouse, not only the items that should autofill but the whole stack in your inventory.KNOWN/BEING FIXED
    3)Rarely it happened to me that autofill lost my stack if the item stack was greater than the needed materials(for example, I had to use 3 aluminum ingots and had a 4 stack, they all vanished).BEING FIXED
    4/7)Rarely landmarks(monoliths,forges,anything solid and cosmetical) or usable "landmarks" on the map( bbq, teleporting red sigil which I forgot the name) can spawn one ontop the other making strange bugs occurring, for example you can't click on a BBQ if that is "inside" a monolith.KNOWN
    5/7)Quite often inconsequentia quests bug out when the required target(monolith/eye/etc) are near walls(2x2x2 from a wall) making the quest stuck, for example atleast 2 times it happened I had a quest involving using an item on a monolith to complete the quest just not completing the quest.Same happens for spawn monsters at monolith, the item will just go wasted, no log info, no monster spawn, nothing.
    6/7)Quite often to be fair, the inconsequentia items bug out using the skin of another item you used before: if you do a quest for example that has the blue litefisk skin and then start another later quite often the item on the floor will appear as the previous one, fixing itself once you put it in inventory.KNOWN
    7)Having an item selected with full inventory and trying to pickup another item from the floor will make the first item vanish without notice, making you lose quite valuable items in case of "panic" moments.KNOWN/BEING FIXED
    8)A monster zoo will almost 100% bug out and not give reward in this cases(for me atleast):
    -You enter a brax shop(as soon as the music changes ), meaning even if clearing everything you won't get the reward.NOT SURE IF A BUG
    -going too far from the room will make the zoo give no reward without a warning so you don't know you're going out of "boundaries" if there are any, trying to fight in a better spot
    -Sometimes even if clearing the zoo you won't get a reward, couldn't reproduce though, it just happens.It happened twice atleast and was always connected to bigger rooms.KNOWN/NOT SURE HOW TO REPRODUCE
    9)Not sure if it's a bug but: the burglary skill "move in mysterious way" moves you only to occupied cells, is that intended?NOT A BUG
    10)Monsters stealing the lockpicks won't drop them again at death(happened with kleptoblobby not sure if there are other stealing monsters, also I had the burglary skill and had crafted my lockpicks, maybe it's related?).
    11)Mobs stealing 2 items will only drop the latest they stole at death(happened almost always to me).NOT A BUG
    12)Really really rarely the monsters won't give back the items stolen when killed.NOT SURE HOW TO REPRODUCE
    13/7)Sometimes spawning a monster near a monolith that is near walls will spawn everything but the named monster for the inconsequentia quest, meaning you can't complete it.The position it happened is this 1x1x1 is an empty ring then mostly the others in the 2x2x2 range are either walls or doors or empty.A monster has spawned inside the monolith too, which shouldn't happen(can't hit it unless it moves).
    14/7)If you use any fire animation in a zoo for enough times(seemed to happen everytime I had 5-6+ animations of burning fire and some still "corpse" fire) you get a huge lag that doesn't go away even saving and reloading, not even by closing and could get to a point in which the game is basically stuck and has huge timers on any action.KNOWN

    I guess I found these for now, most were really annoying since I kept losing items that would've been really helpful.On another note if that helps, everything happened on dwarvish moderation-permadeath between levels 1-8 of the dungeon(yeah I died at lvl8 in a zoo -_-)
  2. Neviskio

    Neviskio Member

    Found more bugs and reproduced some in 1.0.7, sorry for the double post but wanted to make it noticeable, as stated I marked the 1.0.7 reproduced and I will keep updating the main if I find more bugs, unless I should post to bump it?Kinda used to be a tester but not sure on how to do it here ;)
  3. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Sorry for not answering your post quicker as it is a beast. I'll answer those I can.

    1: Fairly old bug that has to do with crafting artifacts, but yeah it needs to be fixed. In the meantime be careful about not stacking them.

    2: Crafting is being revamped, so the full UI is changing.

    3: See 2

    4: Ancient bug (probably low priority, but noted)

    5: I have never ever had that happen to me, can you confirm this? Are you sure they didn't spawn in the rooms beyond the walls?

    6: Yeah this is a bug that's pretty new, but has no consequences so I guess it slipped in

    7: Strange I thought that got fixed in the last beta, I'll check up on this thanks.

    8: Shops is known, still not sure if it's intended or not (it also breaks if you go downstairs, that's intended) and as for random breaks, you're right it's hard to reproduce. We've been trying to pinpoint it with no luck.

    9: Intended.

    10: Lockpicks are weird, apparently.

    11: I'm pretty sure this is intended. Need to dispatch them quick or crowd control them in some way.

    12: Not sure how to reproduce.

    13: See 5, I'm pretty curious about this. I've done like 50 different quests in the latest betas and nothing's happened.

    14: This is known, I'll ask about this if there's a fix on the way.

    Thanks for the report! Welcome to DoD as well!
  4. Neviskio

    Neviskio Member

    Oh thanks for the answer, I wasn't expecting any, so I'll get to work on reproduce those you need more info by the way what I already know:

    5/7) I can confirm this but it's hard to explain and hard to reproduce due to the randomness of generation, it has happened quite often to me and always in this case, I'm 100% sure the monster didn't spawn in other places since I tried isolating every room(since I don't break doors) and indeed either the named + pack doesn't spawn, or only the pack spawns without the last monster, or also in other cases, everything spawns but one mob spawns inside a landmark(like the monolith itself) and doesn't give completion.I'll try to draw a diagram, this should work 100% of times, but I can't try again if the RNG doesn't generate it for me =P

    Basically the layouts it happened to me are always like this and variances of space/wall in the 2x2x2 space.X means a wall is opened M is the monolith.


    Basically every layout similar breaks for me in both 1.0.6 and 1.0.7, don't have access to 1.0.8 so I can't confirm, also being it random it happens rarely this situation...I tried moving the monolith with a skill like shove, but if it wasn't spawning by itself in that limited location, everything is as normal.In the first 2 cases no monster spawned at all, in no rooms, I checked in the whole level by closing doors and checking everywhere, I also had a pet so if I ever went near something he went berserk on it so I'm sure I didn't miss it, it also appeared "buggish" on log since it said the message was broken in 2 lines with a empty space line, in the third case it didn't spawn the named monster, but only 2 of the accompanying monsters, and one was INSIDE the monolith, so I didn't get credit anyway...if you need more info let me know, I'll try to get screenshots next time this happens,I kinda wasn't expecting to be posting a bug report so...

    8/7) If this helps, I noticed that most of my "not giving reward" outside of brax shop and going downstairs, which I kinda imagined they were intended, are connected to this 2 cases, one I'm pretty sure it's reproduceable 100% the others seems quite random-y:
    -When music changes for any reason, you're pretty sure it won't give you rewards, for example, I think you can bug out intentionally the zoo by going far enough away that the music will change, as for now I'm 2/2 on bugging it this way, so I guess the limit distance can be calculated in that way.Maybe it's intended?Could give a notice to avoid confusion, same for shop and stairways, atleast players won't report it as a bug °_° this seems quite reproduceable but I didn't have time to test it again.
    -The other times it happened and I wasn't able to reproduce seems connected on how you kill the last monster, but I really don't know what didn't give a reward but for no apparent reason, unless some special proc is affecting the completion.This is quite random since most of the times it worked fine as you can imagine =P

    12/7)I have no idea how to reproduce but I noticed it happened everytime the monster was killed with a knockback but wasn't really knock-backed but I'm not sure is connected to that, surely its a beginning...

    13/7) see answer to 5, seems related maybe the same bug, I hope I did draw it in a comprehensible way...

    I'll edit out the ones confirmed to be not bugs or mark it as known on the others to avoid confusion!

    Thanks for the welcome, I'm really happy to be helpful since I found DoD really an absorbing game, I'm really playing it alot so I kinda hope I can help in some ways =P I also read you're giving 1.0.8 to test from the irc, I'll check it out if is still getting around so I can confirm if I find more info!
  5. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    I see what you mean by the monolith rooms, but I'm fairly sure that while the rooms have specific layouts, monoliths (like chests and such) are completely random where they spawn (with guidelines so they don't spawn against a wall etc).
    I'll keep an eye out for this bug, and it's easier in the current beta anyway as you see the quest mobs on the minimap now. What I DID have happen though (but weren't related to monolith-spawning quests) was mobs that spawned all over the map for some reason.

    For the zoo, I'm starting to wonder if it breaks when one music track ends and another starts... That would be hilarious if it did. I'll check up on it.
  6. Intrinsic

    Intrinsic Member

    Hey, i just wanted to list the problem i just had with a vanishing item to confirm or not if it's known before i open a new thread.

    I had just completed a quest on level 5, and got a nice shiny new belt. Before moving or doing anything else after receiving the item i right clicked it to equip as it was far better than my current belt. Instead of swapping them out as it'd expect it made the original belt vanish!
  7. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah, known bug. Drag and drop to equip belts for now or you lose one of them :(
  8. Intrinsic

    Intrinsic Member

    I'll have to try and remember that :)